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[QUOTE="thah-dude"]I am so tired of ppl losing and blaming the snipers on their team for the loss and saying the snipers are playing their class wrong I got news for y'all the sniper is meant for camping and hard scoping and it's about time you start realizing that you lost cause you never heal you're team as the medic and you don't give ppl ammo when you're assault it's not the snipers fault. I've also noticed in all mp games ppl always say something is overpowered so they have a reason why they die other then that they suck for blops it's the ak-74u and in crysis 2 it's the cloak neither of which are op y'all need to stop whiningNick3306The snipe ris overpowered in bc2 making it a crucial class. I agree that the medics dont heal since they have the overpowered m60.
All i do is medic/heal! haha, always get comments on how good of a medic I am :P
I go maybe 2-10 most games in kills but I get a whole crap load of healing and ressurections done :P
"They" said the same thing about the AWP in CS all those years ago. It's just a game, I'm sure you will be fine if people want to vent a bit, just like how we are fine that you closed the game, logged into Gamespot, and vented on the forums.
i need to find some, I serioulsy get pwned trying to learn the game.That's why I play in noob servers. Everybody's as rubbish as me and nobody complains.
The lack of voice chat and steam integration really hurts that game. biggest_loser
Servers have chat set up for teamspeak, Skype,etc... from my experience those work alot better then most ingame chat.
And what do you mean by steam integration? I can chat to friends on steam, take steam screenshots and everything else on steam while playing bad company2
I've played BF since 1942, so here's my opinion.
The sniper is much more powerful/versatile than the other classes in BC2. It has motion mines and access to shotguns/battle rifles, so they can be a front line assault class. They've got C4 or Mortar strikes as answers for armor. They don't make as much of an impact as medics, but they're more influential than engineers and effectively replace the assault class (with the exception of ammo packs). To top it off, they can stick a red dot sight on a sniper rifle for easy, one shot drop close quarters combat. Unfortunately, I consider snipers that do this actually useful to the team, but hate them for using weapons that shouldn't be available to the class.
If you are a sniper that constantly spots enemies that are near friendlies, you're probably one of the better snipers that shouldn't be yelled out. However, 99% of the time I see 9+ snipers on Port Valdez and I don't get any help from snipers spotting targets. They seem to be afraid that someone will steal their precious kill. And, yes, when a team has too many snipers (non-assault equipped), that does cause the team to lose the game.
Oh, and sniping in BC2 is considerably easier than any of the previous battlefield games. That's why you'll see many veteran BF players complaining about how easy snipers are to play.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]The lack of voice chat and steam integration really hurts that game. kozzy1234
Servers have chat set up for teamspeak, Skype,etc... from my experience those work alot better then most ingame chat.
And what do you mean by steam integration? I can chat to friends on steam, take steam screenshots and everything else on steam while playing bad company2
When it came out there was no proper voice chat at all. And you have to add friends through the BC2 system, search and find them. I don't think you can just invite them to a match like you can in say l4d2 or tf2.But the AWP actually is overpowered."They" said the same thing about the AWP in CS all those years ago. It's just a game, I'm sure you will be fine if people want to vent a bit, just like how we are fine that you closed the game, logged into Gamespot, and vented on the forums.
A game based one controlling objectives and your annoyed when people point out that a team of campers will not have map control except for the pixel they are standing in.... Recon is not mean't to camp it's mean't to recon.
Right its not just a sniper class. Its recon.
The best way to lose in BFBC2 is to have a team full of "snipers" who are not concerned about anything other than getting a lot of kills. Meanwhile 1 or 2 people actually try to get the objectives. Then you lose.
In a game were your attacking and or supposed to hold/take objectives camping half a mile away doesn't help your team. The community doesn't suck, they just want camping bush wookies. Were there is 6 ***** camping on a hill you usually loose becuase, 1. they can't spot, 2. they can't use a bolt action sniper if they tried. 3. 95 percent of time wookies are A. People who care to much about k/d or B. Scrubs who can't win gunfights. Of all the snipers i have seen maybe 10 were any good.
So you recon by rushing in and dying? Btw when I snipe I always protect the objective and I always use the spotter scope I basically spot the entire enemy teamA game based on controlling objectives and your annoyed when people point out that a team of campers will not have map control except for the pixel they are standing in.... Recon is not mean't to camp it's mean't to recon.
[QUOTE="timma25"]So you recon by rushing in and dying? Btw when I snipe I always protect the objective and I always use the spotter scope I basically spot the entire enemy team The problem when I play is.. most snipers are TOO far away. They don't use motion sensors, and they don't spot the opponents. They're too self-indulged in hogging all the kills they don't even bother to spot and then get killed themselves. I've seen it so many times. As Recon, I spot like crazy. Even as other classes, if I have a good vantage point, all I do is spot and the opposition hates it. They get creamed.A game based on controlling objectives and your annoyed when people point out that a team of campers will not have map control except for the pixel they are standing in.... Recon is not mean't to camp it's mean't to recon.
I don't even know my kd and I am good with other guns just earlier today I went 20-2 as an engineer How come I've never encountered 6 snipers? I use the spotter scope and I only use the bolt action snipersIn a game were your attacking and or supposed to hold/take objectives camping half a mile away doesn't help your team. The community doesn't suck, they just want camping bush wookies. Were there is 6 ***** camping on a hill you usually loose becuase, 1. they can't spot, 2. they can't use a bolt action sniper if they tried. 3. 95 percent of time wookies are A. People who care to much about k/d or B. Scrubs who can't win gunfights. Of all the snipers i have seen maybe 10 were any good.
I do agree a bit with the TC. Most of the time when I play BC2, very few people actually play their role as it is intended. I get so tired watching Assault guys not drop ammo for their snipers. Engineers that dont heal/sabotage tanks and I also get sick of Medics who revive people when they are obviously in a hot zone and get themselves killed. Or medics that choose to not drop med packs!!
Now as far as people yelling at the Snipers, I also think it is ridiculous! The Snipers role is to spot and take out targets from long range! Using motars is also crucial for taking out tanks and areas where the opposition is trying to hold. Snipers ARE NOT supposed to run around and kill at close range. I think it is just lame to watch a guy using Recon with a Saiga or M1A1 planting C4!! THAT IS NOT YOUR ROLE!!!
People who play BC2 should really learn how to play the game properly. There is a reason there are 4 classes!!
[QUOTE="thah-dude"][QUOTE="timma25"]So you recon by rushing in and dying? Btw when I snipe I always protect the objective and I always use the spotter scope I basically spot the entire enemy team The problem when I play is.. most snipers are TOO far away. They don't use motion sensors, and they don't spot the opponents. They're too self-indulged in hogging all the kills they don't even bother to spot and then get killed themselves. I've seen it so many times. As Recon, I spot like crazy. Even as other classes, if I have a good vantage point, all I do is spot and the opposition hates it. They get creamed.A game based on controlling objectives and your annoyed when people point out that a team of campers will not have map control except for the pixel they are standing in.... Recon is not mean't to camp it's mean't to recon.
Yeah. I rarely see recon players actually use motion mines and spot. I personally play assault and engineer 90% of the time but I still spot like crazy. I have become so accustomed to spotting that when I play other shooters I find myself pressing Q :lol:
Its actually the recons fault usually, if there are more than 2 recons that is robbing the attackers of valuable players to assault the mcoms with. Also the class is called recon, in the history of battlefield it has never been called sniper always recon or scout. Recons also have more than a sniper rifle in their kit; pistol, motion mines, c4/mortar. I am a medic and heal all the time, the most points are in healing anyways and it helps out my team so i am happy. You should learn how to play the class you consider yourself an "expert" in before criticizing other.
[QUOTE="Trinexxx"]I love the hypocrisy in this thread. You complain that people blame snipers, and I start to think "hey, this guy might have a point, you can't blame a single class for a team loss..." and then you contradict yourself by blaming medics. If they are doing such a bad job, you should switch over and stop worry about your own individual stats. Classic noob post.thah-dudeAtleast I do things other then post on the forums 24/7 What the **** does that have to do with anything. He showed you up, so you insult him :lol:
Snipers can be very useful to a team, but also a complete waste of time. At least hopeless medics/assult which rush in draw some fire.
It annoys me when a rushing team has 15 snipers, and they don't even Mortar the MCOM when a charge is placed.
meh.. BF games have been cluttered with snipers since 1942 :P i just got used to em.
i doubt it's gonna change once BF3 is out.
i still prefer using engineer or medic.
Atleast I do things other then post on the forums 24/7 What the **** does that have to do with anything. He showed you up, so you insult him :lol:[QUOTE="thah-dude"][QUOTE="Trinexxx"]I love the hypocrisy in this thread. You complain that people blame snipers, and I start to think "hey, this guy might have a point, you can't blame a single class for a team loss..." and then you contradict yourself by blaming medics. If they are doing such a bad job, you should switch over and stop worry about your own individual stats. Classic noob post.millerlight89 we know why people yell at him because he probably starts spamming chat after someone kills him LOL
Snipers are no credit to team. The are a bunch of babies.
But seriously I rarely meet snipers who push forward with the team and help capture points. Its annoying being put on a squad with snipers because their always a mile away from the fighting so spawning on them isnt really useful. You also cant get to many points off them as a medic or assault, and cannot rely on them giving you any benefit, most only kill people who are already half dead giving you an assist or they kill a standing target who isnt even near you. I dont mind having a few as I understand being a sniper is B.A. but when half the team is snipers and your trapped in your spawn point its probably a good idea to switch to another class.
The lack of voice chat and steam integration really hurts that game. biggest_loser
I agree. I can't express with words how much it infuriates me that I can't speak to my team as a whole. The choice to completely limit voice chat to only squadmates was incredibly ignorant and absolutely crushes the ability to communicate effectively with anyone but those in your squad. The fact that there's no "comm rose" or way to make certain requests or commands makes it worse, too.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]The lack of voice chat and steam integration really hurts that game. THA-TODD-BEAST
I agree. I can't express with words how much it infuriates me that I can't speak to my team as a whole. The choice to completely limit voice chat to only squadmates was incredibly ignorant and absolutely crushes the ability to communicate effectively with anyone but those in your squad. The fact that there's no "comm rose" or way to make certain requests or commands makes it worse, too.
+1 I've put in countless hours into BFBC2 and I've heard maybe 2 people talk. I think the other one was someone screaming. /big sighPlease Log In to post.
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