I guess it's all about expectations and preference of playing style. I've enjoyed The Elder Scrolls since Daggerfall and loved MMORPGs since Asheron's Call. I LOVE THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE!
I can't convince Skyrim or TES fans that this is what they want to play and I won't try to convince traditional fans of MMORPGs that this is the ideal game for them. You can only let something like this speak for itself. The problem is the pedigree of this franchise and the success that was TESV.
I honestly don't think this game is going to go free to play anytime soon. Why do I think this?
1) The Imperial Edition out sold the standard edition during the pre-purchase of the game. And that was after the upset on the web over the Imperial class, and other benefits of the Explorer's Packs.
2) There are going to be a ton of people who will reach level 50, but there's just too much in ESO to say it ends there. Between crafting, the character development, 50+/++ content, achievements, PvP, and so much more I don't see your average MMORPG player finding nothing to do. And considering how most people are casual gamers, there is no way they'll be breezing through this !@(*&^.
3) As much as there are people who dislike ESO, there are tons who enjoy playing it. Even during the early access, some of the PvP campaigns are consistently full! That means Cyrodiil(per campaign) has 6000+(2000 per faction) acting a fool and having fun! So what's going to happen when the game has it's open release on Friday. ;)
The only thing that will seal or break the deal is Zenimax being able to create content consistently while getting it out to us ASAP. I've played a lot of MMORPGs at launch and ESO has SO much potential to be greater than it is now.
Agree 100% with this post especially the part about getting out new content....that will be key.
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