What do think are the most underrated rpgs on PC?
Please post your picks:)
- Divine Divinity - awesome story, good characters and a real big world
- Beyond Divinity - another underrated game from the same people that did Divine Divinity
- Gothic 3 - I see all these reviews trashing it but from what ive played the last few months, im loving it!
- Diablo 2 - Not underrated as far as the community goes, but on gamespot it didnt get AAA so i had to list it
- The Witcher - Another one that everyone but reviewers seemed to just love
- Wizardry Gold - This game got pretty average-bad reviews, but i loved it alot!
- Arx Fatalis - Fantastic little rpg with amazing atmosphere and story.
- Elderscrolls: Daggerfall - My personal fav of the series
- Jade Empire - Sure its not KOTOR, but i enjoyed the characters, story and gameplay. Not perfect but still fun.
- Titans Quest and expansion pack - Another underrated little rpg
Im sure im missing some, but they will come to me later
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