Best game I've played in a while, but I do have complaints. The biggest one is that after the first twenty hours you can do the main story quests and the 'important' side quests that you get from the story characters, and you will be about the right level to just keep doing story quests. Some story quests just grant too much xp - I think I went from level 23 to level 26 after completing one quest.
This means that there is no point in your going off and doing monster contracts/random side quests, and by the time you finish the game and are most likely level 31-35, you have out-leveled 95% of the side content.
Since you need to be level 16 to get to Skellige, they really should have made it more of a 'high level' area - still lots of mobs and quests in the level 12-15 range which I find really dumb. I would have loved to keep playing after the story doing side stuff and exploring but its all so damn easy that there is no real point.
Still, I put close to 100 hours into the game in under three weeks which I don't think I have ever done before.
Its about a 9/10 for me but if they had created better incentives for you to keep exploring/doing side stuff throughout the game and/or given you high-level areas to work on after finishing the story, it'd easily be a 9.5 (too many bugs for a 10).
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