really? Post one link to a review that says this is the case? You are the one who needs perspective, you are jamming your biased opinion down peopels throats, but the poll says it all, msot say the Witcher, and the witcher won RPG of the year by USER VOTES. What gamers think matters more then reviews att he end of the day. The dialog was great, what game did yuo play, reviews say how good it si, the only issue was the poor english translation, which has been fixed in EE. Educate yuorself beofre posting. tell me how you know what the devs think? Dialog in The Witcher is better then mosr RPG's around. Certainly better then anything Bethesda has made.
Here's a quote from gamespot
"The game is still a lot more modern sounding than some would probably like, throwing around F-bombs and curse words in ways that just don't seem to fit with swords and sorcery"
Gamernode says this about the EE version.
"The biggest and best change is easily the inclusion of native and multiple audio tracks to chose from. Much like foreign films and television shows, sometimes the original voice actors just do a better job of conveying the emotion and mood of the character; The Witcher is no exception. With the inclusion of the original audio track (and multiple other languages) along with English subtitles, finally we can play the game without the awful English dubbing the original release forced us to endure. If only all foreign releases gave audiences the choice between English dub or sub"
and 1up had this to say
"I'm not gonna lie: I like anime. And when I watch anime, I watch it with the original Japanese voice actors, in the original language. Why? Because the American voice actors typically suck like a hole in the fuselage of a 747 at 50,000 feet. And, as we all know, the same is oh-so true of videogames."
Hmmm the 3 website I checked out all said that the voice acting sucks and the dialogue is strange for the setting. Would you like more examples or am i done "Educating yuorself beofre posting"?
so how are you proving me wrong again? I'll say this once more. quite calling me a fanboy when you're the one that is acting like the EE is a perfect game. All it did is make a game finally make sense and used the same crappy voice actors it had before for the most part. It smoothed out framerate, the combat is still point and click. You can tell me how great it is to do flips but maybe if the flips was actually a different button than the left mouse button, you'd have a point, but it's not and it's just clicking that automatically changes the animation.
You ahve potions in The Witcher, Fallout 3 has drugs. You have like 8 different weapons and three different styles that all amount to clicking on a character, in Fallout 3 I can click to shoot, I can go to VATS and pick the part I want to shoot (which still amounts to clicking in the long run but the end result is prettier) or I can lay traps all around an area, lure creatures to areas with other foes and have them fight it out or redo environmental traps that are already in the area and I have a larger selection of weapons to do this with and the inclusion of a stealth mechanic.
So lets see, Diablo with a rhythm pattern with spells or shooting, stealth melee, setting traps, luring enemies to other foes...hmmm one of them just sounds more interesting and varied.
The problem is I'll admit the shortcomings of Fallout 3. The dialogue is average but it fits the time period, the voice acting is decent. The FPS elements aren't as sharp as a FPS game's but that's because there are a bunch of stats thrown in and the combat improves with experience. The animations are stiff, Still don't like how Raiders in the wild are always automatically agressive for the most part
So when are you guys going to stop acting like The Witcher is a perfect game?
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