I am currently playing World of Warcraft. but yesterday when i was wake up, there got an e mail suddenly came to my mail box. about World of Warcraft Account Notice - Final Warning. I was shocked. as an VCE student, I spend all of my time on my unit 3,4 subject, and have no time to play world of warcraft. why they need send e mail to me and high light i may do something that Blizzard Entertainment considers contrary to the "essence" of World of Warcraft. What do Essence mean? I was check online and got so many same example as me. luckily, my one is just warning, even got some ppl's account been closure with no reason. I understand Blizzard may try to protect their own right. but is it means that they could bring though glory time to innocent ppl?
the day after, i try to contact them and could explain what i did. But i cant. they only recieve e mail but not phone. Those stuff are not brave enough to show their own face. cause they afaid. they afaid if through phone call, they could not have good excuse. even through E mail they may just say you broke the rule of user policy, butwhere is they evidence? i have enough evidence that shows i am innecent what about u?
Its an warning to me and I have nothing to ask for from you. I could still game as before but warning for me is kind of shame. let me feel "guilty". is this all you want?
As a oversea student from Korea. I always thinking how fair western country is, but Blizzard, it is you, let me know how fair your country is. and it is no meaning to let me study your "Essence"
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