It's a real pity that this game didn't make it as big as it really should have. Those who play it almost always love it, and I believe that it is, hands down, the highest quality action RPG game made since Diablo II.
I still enjoy playing it from time to time, both solo and with friends, but every time I go back to it I am always dissapointed with the lack of documentation on the game.
You can find an item compendium floating around on a few sites, but pretty much everything else is undocumented.
There are many, many stats, and modifiers that aren't clearly explained within the game that you can't really get a clear answer on via wiki pages, there are no boss loot drop tables to be had, nothing. I was looking for one of the most commonly recognized items yesterday, the Thorny Maul, and the absolute best search result I found still had no definite answers on its possible locations, every from people who had found it.
Makes me sad :\ I hope THQ does a better job of explaining some of these things, or making the information available at least, with its upcoming game in this venue.
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