Here is links and everything is compatable, end price is $650, if you need a harddrive add $100, i assume you already have a keyboard, mouse, and monitor?
Processor - E8400 dual core @ 3 ghz $180
Video Card- ATI 4850 $175
Motherboard - gigabyte(supports new 45nm cpus) $65
Power Supply - coolmaster 550 watt $80
Case - Coolmaster $70
Memory- adata 2gb in dual channel $46
with shipping that ends up being $650 and it absolutly kills that system you were thinking about, you might want to get thermal grease, but if you have a radio shack around you they sell it for cheaper then online because of the shipping. if you need any help come on here or look on you tube for pc building. Im a idiot and i did it. just takes a few hours out of your time. The hardest part for me was selecting the parts, and i did that for yea. Soo good luck.
this system will kill games and any application for a good while. A $1500-$2000 prebuilt comptuer. Plus this way if you learn to overclock, you can with a processor which is just begging to overclock, but if you don't it still is fantastic and will max any game and make your computer use very smooth.
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