It's been forever since I've heard something about this game, and lots of reviews look great. Yet, I hear that no one plays it. Is this true?
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It's been forever since I've heard something about this game, and lots of reviews look great. Yet, I hear that no one plays it. Is this true?
A great PvP MMO that fell to the might of WoW...
The game is awesome, the PvP is awesome. But nobody plays it anymore, there are like 6 servers left, as I said WoW kills another MMO. There were some issues though, like doing PvE to get some of the best PvP gear, and some imbalance issues (that were fixed mostly)
Geting it when it was released and playing it for the next 6-10 months? Hell yea.
Getting it now? I don't think so.
I was bored to death in this game..... PvP was lackluster for me, and for a game that had such a bad PvE system, PvP had to be good. But it was terrible. I hate this game!
The balance issues killed it more than WoW did. People wanted the pvp, if the pvp was good they would have stayed because WoW's is utter garbage. But there were so many problems with bright wizards and sorcerers that it made the game completely boring to play.
Now the problem is that there's very few people playing and in order to compete with some veteren players you would literally have to sub for a year and grind non stop to get up to their level of renown and gear, and over the course of that year you would be rolled at will. There is no easy way to get good gear which, while understandable in some respect, makes it imposible to attract new players and keep them once they see what's ahead of them.
Apparently Mythic has updated it a lot. I'm downloading the free trial to give it a go. WoW is fun, but PvP is eh. Raiding is awesome though. :D
Well, almost level 3. Only gripe is that the game streams CONSTANTLY. Takes forever to get the framerate to speed up, sometimes. Just did a public quest, it was somewhat fun. I suppose I'll have to get past the first few areas before I can make a valid judgment, but at this point, with the meh graphics, I can't imagine paying $15 a month for this.
I can not recommend Warhammer. I would look at AoC first (and I am no fan of it, but the PVP feels a lot better).
Public quests are ghost towns outside of starter area. You will not see the next areas of the game without paying. I was pushing for people to try this a while ago to help get the population up, but Mythic has just screwed this game up bigtime, just as they did Daoc. Down to 4 North American servers now, will be 2 soon no doubt. It can still be fun, but ends up being more frustrating than fun most outings. There are overpowered classes and under powered classes Mythic refuses to touch. Balance is a joke. Mythic was just absorbed into Bioware, no doubt the first step to eradicating this crap of a game company that has now squandered two games that could have been great.Well, almost level 3. Only gripe is that the game streams CONSTANTLY. Takes forever to get the framerate to speed up, sometimes. Just did a public quest, it was somewhat fun. I suppose I'll have to get past the first few areas before I can make a valid judgment, but at this point, with the meh graphics, I can't imagine paying $15 a month for this.
Good news for you TC, if you are from Europe.
I just got an email that states this :
Bioware Mythic is pleased to be assuming all publishing and operational responsibilities for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning in Europe, effective 7 July 2010. We would like to take this opportunity to thank GOA for their commitment and service to the WAR community and to invite you to join us in welcoming the European community to Bioware Mythic by extending 2 free weeks of playtime to all Current and Former GOA WAR players starting 7 July 2010.
We understand that you may have questions regarding this transition. To help, we've assembled a list of Frequently Asked Questions which can be found in the following languages:
Once the transition has completed, existing and returning players can access the Mythic Account center ( using their same Master Account name with the _EUR suffix added on; For Example ACCOUNT NAME_EUR. PLEASE NOTE: In some rare cases of Master Account names exceeding 19 characters, players will only use an underscore suffix; For example ACCOUNT NAME_. In most cases players will use the _EUR suffix. The above information applies to your WAR game account as well.
Also, we've been able to transfer all previously stored items in player Mailboxes, on the Auction House and in Guild Banks at the time we received the data stamp from GOA (29 June 2010), so these items will be waiting for you when you normal play resumes on the Bioware Mythic European WAR servers in the coming days.
Returning players can download the client here:
Welcome to our European community and we'll see you on the Battlefield!
IMO it's 2nd after WoW. It's got good players and alot of content and it's fun.
You sure about that.... ?
with only 6 servers left and people leaving all the time. I would think EVE, AoC and LOTRO would have more players than WAR...
It was meant to be a WoW killer. One of the head developers even said they were copying parts of WoW to help people in the transition. It was hyped to hell and back, and was pushed even more after Age of Conan failed.
Now everyone is going "nobody ever said it was a WoW killer", one of the lead developers was fired, and Mythic has to rely on cheap methods to get people to try it.
My thoughts? It was made with wrong ideas in mind, it was rushed, and it tried to appeal to the wrong kind of audience. In short, it was a failure before it was even announced, and everything went to hell when it was released.
[QUOTE="Aethdrir"]yea because 40 people surely are the majority of MMO players.mirgamerBut when you go from 60+ servers to only 4... 8 servers, an yes its bled lots of ppl that thought it was gonna be WoW2.0. my opinion its a great game if u like pvp and is still repairing downfalls with every patch. try free trial imo
It was meant to be a WoW killer. One of the head developers even said they were copying parts of WoW to help people in the transition. It was hyped to hell and back, and was pushed even more after Age of Conan failed.
Now everyone is going "nobody ever said it was a WoW killer", one of the lead developers was fired, and Mythic has to rely on cheap methods to get people to try it.
My thoughts? It was made with wrong ideas in mind, it was rushed, and it tried to appeal to the wrong kind of audience. In short, it was a failure before it was even announced, and everything went to hell when it was released.
Bolded: Incorrect, it was designed to be #2, not destroy WoW.
The number one issue the game had was class balance. The second issue being that it was running on a very dated engine that was never meant to handle open world RvR and the game was originally designed for scenarios only.
You obviously never EVER played. Yes PVE was essentially to get pvp gear, but that doesn't mean pvp was bad. It had some pretty damn epic battles ( I was there in the peak of the game) and the entire pvp system was great. You have to group though you can't be like a level 70 rogue (I played IN BC before WTLK ruined the game) and go around and kill people solo. You need a group of 5 or more to accomplish... anything and that really isn't a fault that is just how the game is. Playing this game and playing the end game pvp are two different things, making a trial and calling the game crap also doesn't count. Get to level 40 and do forts and Cities (ah the good old days the little 13 year olds play at 4:00 and during the day we raided each city and got a crap load of gear).I was bored to death in this game..... PvP was lackluster for me, and for a game that had such a bad PvE system, PvP had to be good. But it was terrible. I hate this game!
Alright, I suppose I won't end up getting it if it is really *that* dead. :D I'll just stick to raiding in WoW with my guild.
The problems with warhammer online:
*Horrible start... I dont talk about server problems... I meant classes missing, towns missing, memory leak bugs, Animation / ability lag and not in sync at all..
*Content > bug fixes... What there are problems with the game? Well have this shiny new content!
*The forgoten classes... Magus, SW, BG and so on...
*The balance team balance the game like a drunk elephant on rollerblades. Aoe > single target 99.99% of the time... Why would one ever throw a single target ability?
*The game felt as if one group of people made and balanced the first parts of the game (1-21) then another group did everything else. With no communication or anything. Its total chaos. One level there is overall quiet balanced... The next level its AOE and CC feast.
Is everything bad? No... Tbh i would probably play again if you could stay at level 21...
*The tanks work in PVP compared to most of the games out there.
*Friend and foe target system
*Healers are not all about "HEAL HEAL HEAL HEAL" and can do other things at the same time (due to the target system)
*The RVR on the active server is fun atleast on the free trial... 100 vs 100 is fun.
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