[QUOTE="Wesker776"][QUOTE="Store24"][QUOTE="wklzip"][QUOTE="Store24"] Well here you go, using your own site against you.
AnandTech Oblivion Benchmarks - http://anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2970&p=6
Toms - http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics_2007.html?modelx=33&model1=858&model2=713&chart=309
They are using different measuring systems but the both show the same thing in 1024x768 - 8600GTS > 7950GT > 8600GT.
LOL You guys are pathetic...
The only difference is that Anandtech used ultra high settings without AA+AF, tomshardware used 4AA+8AF and that is true, oblivion is more shader intensive. The 8600gts> 7950gt> 8600gt is known everywhere. what people are laughing at stuff like "x850xt is performing better than the 7800gtx".
Well here are the Anandtech Oblivion benches, they dont have the X850XT but they do have the X1800XT and it is just about exactly the same difference from the 7800GTX that Toms shows even though the nubers are different.
Anandtech - http://www.anandtech.com/showdoc.aspx?i=2746&p=4
Toms - http://www23.tomshardware.com/graphics_2007.html?modelx=33&model1=854&model2=726&chart=296
Again I'm not seeing any glaring differences between these two tests. Certainly nothing to just blast Toms over, if anything this again just supports the accuracy of toms.
And to the two name callers, do you see how I'm doing this? I'm actually providing links to actual benchmark pages and talking about the numbers in a rational manner. Not just throwing out general site names and saying "your a noob because these guys are better". I'm actually comparing them line for line, something you apparently have not actually done.
You're completely missing the point here.
The problem is that: Tom's Hardware fails to realise that changes in performance and hardware occurs over time and that they fail to record these changes. Where as other tech sites don't archive results and nstead record benchmarks monthly or so (with updated hardware/software), Tom's hardware simply records the performance of a product at launch and only sparsely (if ever) update their charts.
Tom's hardware is only reliable when they record the performance of hardware at the same time as other tech sites. For example; if anandtech and TH both receive the HD 2900 XT at launch and they both run the same benchmarks (and they get similar results), then we can say that both sites are reliable. However, this is when TH falls behind--TH records the performance of the 2900 XT at that moment and inputs the data into their VGA charts for future reference.
Now, it's been more than a few months since the 2900 XT's launch, and drivers have improved drastically. Tech sites such as anandtech do an update of the 2900 XT (not as the primary focus, but as side focus to say a card like the 8600 GTS/HD 2600 XT GDDR4) with improved drivers in hand for everyone to reference to. TH, however, do not correct their VGA charts to show improvements in performance due to a faster CPU/RAM/mobo/driver package, and simply continue to reference their initial performance numbers.
TH records data records data as at such a date, and continue to use those numbers in their VGA charts (they may update sometimes, but they don't update all cards with respect to each new driver/CPU/RAM/mobo release) for the rest of the product's life. This is simply inaccurate and where most critisism lies.
Other sites provide benchmarks through time as faster products are released that improve overall performance of the video card.
It is hard to find exact benchmarks, but I would insist on you finding benchmarks between TH's performance of the 2900 XT and another site's performance of the 2900 XT after 7.8 or 7.9 w/hotfix drivers.
LMAO!!! :lol:
Oh my...
What a wonderful and thought out response. :roll:
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