My new PC is coming with an gigabyte ati 4870 (my old PC has a 6200 LOL). I know about the fan hack and how to change speeds. Is is possible to set the fan speeds too high? What is a good temperature for the card being under full stress?
When I first put in my 4850, I started to play crysis for mabye an hour, just to see what this thing could do. When I was done I checked the temp and it was 80* C. "WOW" was my first thought. I immediatly did the fan hack and put the fan speed at 60%. Within 2 minutes my PC was at 48* C. Now after playing crysis for roughly the same time period, the temp goes no higher than 60* C. Also, I played Counter Strike: Source for mabye 3 hrs (I'm loving testing out all my older games with this new card), and when it was over my 4850 was at 52* C.
EDIT: Moral of my story, when you do the fan hack, put the fan speed at 50 to 60 percent. Any higher and it will soundlike the space shuttle is taking off in your room, any lower and you won't get the full affect.
Create a few profiles and activate one depending on the situation (gaming or not) and ambient temperature. When i play games, i set the fan at 50-60% speed, and 35-40% for idle mode.
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