1 Anarchy online : this is now 100% free although they charge for expansions but there not needed
2 Gpotato (they actually have 4 free MMO and i'll count it as one since you use the same account)
3 Trickster
4 Maple Story
5 Conquer Online
Anarchy online is an old Pay to Play game and for free it easly takes number 1 for free MMORPG. This game is so deep and it's a real game. it's not like the Gpotato games wich were always intended to be free and therefore lacked the content and depth. Imagine WOW free to download and pay. the closest you can get is Anarchy Online.(Maybe if 5 years Wow will be free)
Gpotato series this group takes 2nd easy Rappelz,FLYFF,Corum and Space Cowboy are all free at gpotatot.com and you won't be mad you d/l any of the games. Space cowboy offers something new and fresh but lacks depth. the best out of this bunch is Rappelz but Corum (wich is new) looks promising is easy to play and looks good.
Trickster This game looks good. ok ok so what it's 2d and it looks like a saturday morning cartoon. thats why it looks so good it's so detailed and colorful in motion it's just amazing. Imagine the Mana(from squareenix) series and times it by 20 and thats what this game looks like.With a nice job system sure to grab someones attanetion
Maple Story is another 2d MMORPG but this one is in side scrolling view is kinda unorthidox for a MMORPG it's really annoying fighting in this game since you limtied to left right only you can't avoid enemys and touching them messes you up(kinda like mario) but it's well made and if you can pass the first hr you may be hooked for awhile i would rather play trickster than this butthis game has been out longer.
Conquer Online is 5th and trust me this is not even deserving to be on this list but niether are the rest of the Free MMORP cause they suck. this games kinda cool cause of the ****s the kung fu fighting is cool getting to high levels but the production vale in this and the rest of the MMORPG that didn't make the list are all really bad. but if your into Fighting and what a MMORPG with a punch try this it's free.
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