i was neither crying, nor claiming the game "sucks"
mad fanboy is mad.... look at him go.
All you did was amass a bunch of random complaints against the game...many of which are false.
i think it is pretty obvious at this point that all that was really done was to make a standalone port of the mod that they could make money off of, instead of the complete overhaul that they initially were promising.
Sounds a lot like crying and claiming a game sucks to me. The SA is insanely far from being a mere port of the mod. Crybabies typically have to lie to try to make their point...(like saying the UI hasn't changed in functionality...and then claiming the controls are completely different when they are nearly identical to the mod).
jesus... you seem pretty mad dude. are you personally vested in dayz? stock or something? is rocket your boyfriend?
the guy did nothing of the sort KH. he neither claimed it sucked, nor was he "crying". you being a raging fanboy and rushing in with a bleeding heart defense for your precious game.
Claiming something is a mere port cash grab is another way of saying something sucks, genius.
So, you're also saying the UI hasn't been completely redesigned from the mod? Why can't you or your buddy elaborate on that a little bit? It was already explained how it's a completely different interface from the ground up...yet you failed to explain how it's similar to the old UI in one way. As KH said, If you have to go around spreading misinformation about games to try to make a point, it's pretty clear you don't have one...
he even said in his post that they WERE near identical to the mod, and that he was able to excuse it with the mod because it was limited to arma controls. the SA is NOT limited to arma controls, and yet the controls are still completely bonkers/unintuitive/drivel.
The game is still made on the ArmA engine, why the hell would you expect the game to have completely different controls? Expecting a night and day difference in terms of controls when it comes to the brand new alpha of the game...says a lot about your expectations from an alpha product. What's so bad about the controls again? WSAD too unintuitive for you?
This thread should be renamed "I bought an alpha expecting a finished game, why is this game so bad?!".
is.... this this a joke thread or?
he isnt my "buddy"... first of all
the UI is clearly a reskin....i dont know why people seem to think it is that different. hundreds of hours with the mod... im not seeing anything ground breakingly different with the SA UI... i guess it has drag and drop.. yay? it is just as broken and annoying to use as the mod UI ever was.
looks pretty damn similar to me. things take up blocks of space... they just rearranged where things are. the images are even identical for items... its just a reskin...
AND A BIG FAT LOOOOOOOOL TO YOUR LAST COMMENT. so you are saying games made on the same engine have the same controls? really? you are going to go with that?
the dozens and dozens of games made on unreal engines, cryengines, and source engines would like to speak with you.... engine has absolutely nothing to do with controls....NOTHING. you could build a bejeweled game on the cryengine for **** sake.... and it was designed for first person shooters.
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