There is no such thing as "plenty of bla bla"...How many company's are making Triple A games on PC with a profit that can sustain the initial investment???
Some Vale games,The Witcher,The Sims series maybe CoD series and SC series...Ofc there are alot of other games out there which makes profits but those games are low to mid budged games...How many companys can afford to spend 100 mil $ on a game and make profits solely on PC?I think u can count them on the fingers of one hand...So when you say "plenty bla bla" it sound unlogical...
In order to make good games with high quality developers needs a lot of money...the PC market cannot sustain big budged games...that would mean every big budged game would have to sell 1 mil + on PC alone(to cover the cost and make nice profits)...How many games on pc sell millions these days?And not when they are on sale with 10 bucks...iam talking about full price...very very few games do that...
So NO...the word "plenty" cannot be associated with making money on PC or profits...
And ofc how many Triple A games makes profits on console?The majority of the big budged games make decent to huge profits on console alone:
AC series
FIFA series
Oblivion and Skyrim made the most profit on xbox360
Mass Effect series
LA Noir
GTA series
Gears of War
Dragon Age
Dead Space series
Bioshock series
Batman AA & AC
Resident Evil series
CoD series
NFS series
Crysis 2
Fallout NV
Almost every exclusive,either for ps3 or xbox
Even BF 3 sold more on consoles
etc ,etc, etc,...
So what we'r talking about here??
You need to reread my post. Nowhere did I say anything about exclusives. In fact, I didn't even discuss wether PC or consoles made more money and don't care to do so. PC games include ports of console games just like console games include ports of PC games. So my point stands.
As to what you're talking about here, I honestly have no idea as it had nothing to do with the post I made.
Maybe u didnt understand me or i didnt explained clearly...yeah u went on about piracyPC market is not making enough money for Ubisoft.
The online DRM is not the cause of why Ubi dosent make money on PC.
This online DRM was implemented as a result of poor sales of Ubi games on PC...not the other way around
First ubisoft was using DRM and they were not making money on pc then the online drm came
Now Ubi is using online DRM and they are not making any money on pc...DO YOU GET IT NOW?Even if they wouldnt implemented this online DRM they wouldnt made more money...
So...Ubi+old DRM = not enough profits to sustain some of their games/////Ubi+Online DRM =not enough profits to sustain some of their games
DO you GET IT NOW??? It dosent matter which DRM do they use...they were not making enough profits in the first place...dosent matter if they lose some of their costumers...those customers werent enough in the first place...so what if half of them will no longer buy Ubi games?
Wake up to the real world...companys needs to make money...so they could make games every couple of years...if that circle is discontinued problems starts to pop up...
The PC market cannot sustain with money a lot of big titles games...thats the truth.There arent so many customers which are able/willing to buy every Triple A titles that comes out every year.
In this equation everything is a variable...DRM's change,games change etc...the only invariable is PIRACY...So yeah,when a company is blaming piracy they are pretty much right
Where are you getting this from? Unless you provide a source I'm gonna say you're making it up.Here's some actual facts for you.
However, Ubisoft provides a test-case. We are almost two years into its aggressive attack on PC piracy. Recently, Ubisoftcalled its "always-on" DRM a success, claiming "a clear reduction in piracy."
In terms of actual sales, however, the results seem decidedly mixed. Michael Pachter told Eurogamer that Ubisoft's "PC game sales are down 90% without a corresponding lift in console sales."
Pachter framed the problem in terms of piracy, as I'm sure Ubisoft frames the problem, but a 90% decline in PC sales is a catastrophic number. If piracy were the problem, then their "successful" DRM policy should have prevented such a free-fall.
Instead, PC gamers have stopped buying Ubisoft games. In fact, the decline of sales even calls into question the decline in piracy rates. All we know for sure is that Ubisoft have stopped people from playing their games. Full stop.
In other words, Ubisoft sales went down 90% after they started implementing unresonable DRM.
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