[QUOTE="mfsa"]Uh. How does some American Football game not coming to PC prove that PC gaming is dying? That statement is pure nonsense.
Sports games are a niche market on the PC anyway, and uh, perhaps my being British has something to do with the following statement: American Football sucks.
Seriously, I don't understand the rationale behind his comment. The PC is FPS, RTS, RPG and MMO. That's what the PC is. And in those genres, the FPS is untouchable. The man's an idiot.
Totally agree with you and Pedro. Well, not totally. I have one thing to say as a comment to your next to last sentence. Halo 3.
Most PC-gamers are located somewhere else than the US. I hate it when Americans use US sales numbers to paint a "doom and gloom" picture where PC-gaming draws it's final breaths. What's even worse, the moron (the guy that wrote the article) uses a game that has never been popular on the PC in the first place as "proof" and it's a game only Americans would want to buy. Remember that I said that most PC-gamers are non-Americans? PC (as a gaming platform) is thriving in Europe, thank you very much. Silly man...
I know this is off-topic, but I just can't help myself.. Why US-citizens insist on calling whatever they do on the pitch "football" will always elude my understanding. I'd like to hear a reasonable explanation to this misuse of the words "foot" and "ball" (and then the illogical combination of the two, you know as in a foot not being a hand and a ball not being whatever you call that elongated thing. Ball = round to those that need a crash course in "How to name a round thing").
I was under the impression there was just as many pc gamers in the US. All the gamers I know play pc. So I guess its just the impression I got based on my own limited experience. Its just that none of them are the dedicated type. They play pc all the time, but its usually free 2 play games and older games like diablo 2 or quake 3 arena. They never upgrade their pcs so some of them are over a decade old.
As for the football thing I don't have a clue.
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