HD4890 is only around $200... If that is too much, you can get an HD 4870 for as low as $150... and if that is to much still... a 4850 can be had for around $100... all will be an upgrade over an 8800, but a 4850 would only be marginally better... the 4870/90 though will allow you to go from Crysis on high to Crysis on very high...
It depends on which games you play. Go down the List of cards in the other thread and stop when you see a game you play. Then you can choose from any card above that one including the one you stopped at. I'd recommend you choose a NVIDEA card even if its not the minimum.
What is the size of your monitor? for choosing a new GPU, you must know on what resolution U will play. even with a GPU that isn't too much powerful you can play games on HIGH with a 17" monitor. the more bigger your monitor is the more power you will need from your GPU.
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