@horgen123 said:
Unless your room temperature is up in the 40-ish C, it shouldn't run that hot. As others have suggested. Clean the heatsink, how good is the case airflow?, check that everything is okey with the fans on the GPU. Turn up the fan speed while gaming.
I honestly don't know whats the room temp is. It's usually around high 70c to around 80c degrees outside all year round. where this week has been hitting the 90's. I think the airflow is ok, but I might need to show you guy's a picture so you can decide. case is corsair 650D, so there is a lot of space in the case.
motherboard's temp is( I got these from cpuid hw monitor):
TZ00: 28C
TZ01: 30C
cpu's is 39c to 40c( have a corsair h80 cooler, but i guess it isn't working properly)
right now the gpu's is 39c with fan speed at 80%
to 04dcarraher
I don't know what you mean by blower type, but this is just a regular gtx 670. similar to this:
i actually created this thread because 2ndwonder reminded me about it when he mention something wrong with his computer in the pc showcase thread.
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