Well, I hope my opinion counts for a bit and helps someone that wasn't able to get in to the open beta decide if they are going to spend 50+ for WAR based on what they read and watch. (Please people, stop saying MMOs are free for the first month. It is 50 dollars for the first month)
First thing is first, I do not currently play WoW or any other MMO anymore as I was waiting for WAR to be released... so the good things and bad things I have to say about this game are not based off any bias on my part. They are however based on a very extensive history of MMOs and PVP.
Background: UO (release on), AC, AC2, Shadowbane (beta on), Jumpgate (beta on), DnDO(release on), CoH, CoV, DAOC, Lineage, Lineage2, LOTRO (release on), WWII Online(beta on), Earth and Beyond, EVE, EQ, EQ2,WOW since BETA... quit before BC... came back for BC... quit for WAR
Moral of the story (and the short version): WAR isn't what I was hoping it would be and I doubt I will spend the money on it. As I continue the beta and know they are constantly updating (and fixing things they break) I appreciate their efforts but some of the core issues I have a problem with.
On to more detail for anyone who actually cares what one more informed opinion brings to this discussion:
The game just seems bland. It feels like I have done things 100 times before (well, yes... I know I HAVE but some games don't make you feel like you are). The quests do keep you going at a decent clip and move you from area to area through the game so you do feel that you make progress in the world. I don't feel that the quests, at least for me draw you in with what you're doing or reading. It just feels like one more quest to do with a wall of text that has little to no depth.
This game isn't for PVE you say? I agree... so on to the more important issue at hand, how PVP makes you feel:
Again, just to state... WoW Arena PVP is terrible and a horrid waste of time for little to no excitement, not to mention those repeat sessions of BGs make me want to pull my eyeballs out (another reason I don't play anymore).
HOWEVER, to say WAR PVP is that much different is kidding yourself in my opinion. You do the same Scenarios over and over to gain renown (uhh, honor... or, renown... or... honor?). The world PVP isn't really any different than what you could find elsewhere in gaming and to say it's fresh or new is again, kidding yourself.
Now, I know RVR... and yes, this game does have it. I don't agree that it's the best RVR done, or that it provides a quality gaming experience worthy to draw you in for endless hours. I do like that you gain experience for your work in PVP, and scavanging from bodies is something entertaining enough for a bit.
I don't feel that the classes have great difference between them, and the higher number does nothing for me if I find similar experience playing one to another.
I don't feel the renown grind should be touted as that much different than the honor grind in WOW. I have read in some posts about how terrible the grind for honor to buy gear is in WOW... well sorry folks, the renown grind is the EXACT same thing.
I enjoy the graphics upgrade and appreciate that sacrafices were made in the interest of allowing 100 people on screen at the same time while providing a playable experience and some level of detail, and of course understand that there is a supposed increase in quality for release. The issue is that the game looks very much like a downgraded LOTRO or EQ2... not an upgraded WOW in my opinion and to compare it to WOW in this regard is false. It should be compared to much more recent gaming as far as quality and animation goes.
That brings me to my last problem (ok, yes... the sounds are really the last problem, but I generally now game with them off and TV or music playing), the animations are terrible. Post their update recently it is a BIT better, but it still reminds me of LOTRO on release and how clunky it all felt. It's not a lag problem, or an engine or coding problem that I can tell. They just generally move strange and it just doesn't look natural for most of the classes I have played (SW anyone?).
I plan on checking back after a few months, but for now I guess I will stay MMO retired. Probably good news for the wife.
Take care folks, I hope you enjoy the game.
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