According to websites that collect and average reviews, the kings of multi-player action are:
Unreal Tournament 2004, Battlefield 2, Counter-Strike (Source)
It gets fuzzy after that. It becomes really hard to determine which action games have great multi-player from reviews, because they review the single-player campaign and the multi-player aspect combined. Most action games have both. I have only come up with a few titles that may deserve recognition:
Aliens vs. Predator 2
America's Army: Special Forces
America's Army: Operations
Battlefield 2142
Brothers in Arms: The Road to Hill 30
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Call of Duty
Call of Duty 2
Command & Conquer: Renegade
F.E.A.R. Combat (F.E.A.R. for free)
Halo 2
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault
Quake 4 (updated Quake III: Arena)
Red Orchestra: Osfront 41-45
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
The Ship
Sniper Elite
Soldier of Fortune 2
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast
Team Fortress C l a s s i c
Tribes 2
Tribes: Vengeance
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