I try to be careful with the games I buy, and in the past playing lots of demos has saved me a lot of money and helped me to avoid some truly awful games.
Nevertheless, I guess Daikatana, Codename: Outbreak, and Judge Dredd qualify as the worst games in my collection. Contract J.A.C.K. also deserves a mention.
Daikatana isn't as bad as some people make out (it's certainly not the worst game ever made), and some of the levels/monsters/weapons are pretty good. I'll even go so far as to say that the story makes more sense than Quake ever did. But it was an average game overall, with bad animations, poor voice work, poor graphics for the time of its release. As for the bugs in Daikatana - well, I've encountered far more serious bugs in other games, like the sound bug in Sniper Elite that won't let me play that game at all, and the broken triggers in NWN2 on release that were game-stoppers, ie, you couldn't advance because a cut scene wouldn't trigger, and had to reload etc.
I liked the gameplay and basic premise of Codename: Outbreak, but the game was such a buggy mess that it kept crashing to desktop and I could never finish it. Gave up in the end.
Judge Dredd is just an average shooter without much plot and it just didn't hold my interest. It's one of a few games over the years that I stopped playing because I was bored.
Contract J.A.C.K. - a straightforward shooter set in the NOLF universe. Okay so the gameplay mechanics are rock solid and I never encountered any bugs, but it had none of the magic of the NOLF games, it was really short, shallow on plot, and I had more fun messing around on a few of the multiplayer maps than I did with the SP campaign.
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