This is a hard topic for me to make. Your a PC gamer. You will always love PC. It will always be your bread and butter. Part of your soul. The endless customization, the way you build and shaped your own machine gives it a personal feel that no mass produced console would ever be able to.
But still in my opinion it is good to have a console besides the PC gaming. The problem with this generation is that unlike the last generation, where the GC, Xbox and PS2 was all very identical, the PS3, Wii and 360 are so different that its insane. Not only in game philosphy, pricing, game styles, appeal, design and scope but also in the very way we play games.
 How does a console compliment a PC gamer? What do you think?
My take;
The Wii offers alternative multiplayer games that the PC has nothing off. Perhaps it is complimenting the PC in the sense that it offers a different party experience. Its hard for a PC gamer to have his friend playing with him on the same PC, but with a Wii alot of the games focus on offline multiplayer party games. Quick, fun and quirky japanese games. Is this the refreshing style of games that will appeal to the PC gamer? The machine is cheap which is good since many passionate PC gamers use quite a bit of money upgrading their rigs every year or every 2 year, or when they buy all these great PC games comming out very often now.
The 360 could also be said to compliment PC gamers. The original Xbox was called a "poor mans PC". A 8 Gig Hard drive with a custom geforce 3 card arhitecture it was a machine that appealed to people who liked to play pc type games and online games but could not afford to upgrade their pcs very often. games like splinter cell, KOTOR and its many solid FPS offerings seemed like pc games to a much larger extent that we had seen in the past. The 360 can connect and stream video and music from your pc using WMP11 or media connect. Both free programs. problem is that it only applies to MS own codecs. so no divx or avi. the 20 Gig hard drive also makes it a fast stop as far as storing all your content.
360 is not very good at using your pc devices. it does not have a browser, can not run an OS like linux, but it can see use many digital cameras and mp 3 players. but not much as far as headsets,Mouses, keyboards, web cams, external hard drives and so on. You can get headsets and webcams and a 20 Gig hard drive for 360 but it has to be made for 360.
The cross on Xbox live with pc gamers versus 360 gamers when live reaches PC, could be a big compliment for pc gamers. not only with the 360 gamers gamertag, achievements, points and friends list transfer over to your pc account, you will also be able to play against people in both worlds.
but xbox live is notorious for having 16 player max games, with limited scope and being full of 12 year old helium screaming headset loving kids. Will pc gamers who are used to 64 player games, open source mods and free cross apllications like xfire, want to pay for a service like Live?
As far as games, 360s games seem to appeal to pc gamers. mature, violent and impresive in visuals and presentation. gears of war and mass effect probably being good examples.
However, xbox was very known for having its best games ending up on PC. This has been true with most of its "AAA titles" outside of racing and sports games. Examples being Halo, Halo 2, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Splinter Cell 1,2,3, Jade Empire, Riddick, Fable, and Ninja Gaiden which on another note has ended up on the PS3.
This is probably because xbox was always accused of being a pc in disguise. with XNA many of 360s best games might end up on pc aswell. So far though, this has not been the confirmed case with titles like Crackdown, GoW and Mass Effect still being seen as 360 exclusives.
The PS3. Kenny "Crazy" Boy, has in the past badmouted the PC, claiming that the PS3...The so called Super computer would make the PC obsolete as a gaming platform. While this is a stupid statemente, it is impressive how many PC and USB devices that actually works with PS3, meaning that allot of your stuff might co-work. It does not mean that you will end up using linux very often or checking your email with the ps3s build in browser, but perhaps you will appreciate being able to use your own favorite buetooth headsets, keyboards and so on, instead of buying overpriced 1 party ones you dont need.
 for MMORPG fans, the recently announced playstation "Home" service might be a big appeal. it certainly seems that it has won much appreciation and as a nice patch on the wound of the horrible scar that was 2006 for sony.
Looking back at it, the PS2 has boosted an incredible amount of great games that has stayed exclusive to the platform. 7 years in and the machine still pumping games like god of war 2 out. sony claims that ps3 will last 10 years, and that with firmware upgrades, it will surpass any current gen console in all aspects.
people loving games like final fantasy, tekken, metal gear solid and ratchet and clank might already have made up their minds that ps3 is the way to go as far as complimenting the pc, but the appeal might also be there in other ways.
HD-DVD and Blue-Ray is currently batteling for supremacy. according to certain tech heads, even if Blue-Ray should fail, it will be used for pc due to the fact that Blue-Ray discs boosts 20 gigabyte more space than HD-DVD and that it will be the prefered use for pc, as programs tend to fill more spaces. Apple has already decided to go with Blue-Ray. Could this mean that Itunes and Ipod and Iphone will eventually collaborate with Sony, and perphaps the ps3? Itunes on ps3?
At the same time MS has went with HD-DVD. Apparently vista was supposed to have build in HD-DVD support but that has been delayed until the first major service pack later this year.
PS3 like the wii certainly seems to boost some quirky japanese non-pc-like games. LittleBigPlanet being one of them. in a way the ps3, arhitecture wise is the most PC like console. it can run an OS, it uses an Nvidia based GPU, it relies on firmware upgrades to help it allot in the future.
It also seems like a device that has big plans for its interactions with the psp. PSP already is considered a great portale machine, yet it is expenssive, and people are having doubts about the UMD - PSPs movie format.
In conclusion; I dont know. As a PC gamer, I want my console to compliment my PC. Not the other way around. Right now I own a WIi and a 360. Its still early and I don't really know. I like how Wii is so alternative and different, and yet at the same time I feel that the precision I love from PC with mouse pointing and the advanced difficult and challanging games has not been translated to the Wii.
As for the 360 I do not like XBL in its current form. I dont understand why I have to pay for a Peer 2 Peer service. And I dont understand why games like Halo 3 will only have 16 players max. I dont like how the service is so closed off.
Im wondering if PS3 is the sweet spot I have been looking for. Or if its to early to pass judgement on the other consoles. Its personal taste. But what truly compliments the great PC. What if you have handhelds? What if you dont have handhelds?
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