just finished cryostasis, playing batman AA, prototype, and i need to wrap up wolfenstein.
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Half Life 2 Episode 1, never got around to beating it and I'm really bored. I've been trying to get Team Fortress 2 to work, but it is freezing up when it tries to connect to a server. Any help?
Is your firewall switched off? Or is it set to allow traffic from Team Fortress 2?
I have Norton (ugh) set to allow it, although I haven't messed with any windows Fire Walls yet (Windows 7 RC)Currently playing BioShock at the moment (picked it up from D2D's sale last week). Just finished up the Neptune's Bounty area earlier today. I had heard a lot of good things about BioShock beforehand, but so far, it's done nothing but exceed my expectations.
After BioShock, I'll be playing either STALKER: SoC or Thief: Deadly Shadows, which I also got from D2D last week.
Waiting on risen atm..PLaying basically every thing up on that list..Though right now im reinstalling stuff..My pc crashed this week..Had to buy a new video card so i picked up the x250 1 gig of ram..Ill be buying a power supply upgrade this year soon to 1200..That way i can upgrade to a larger video card eventually...Pain in the butt installing crap but have to do it any how..
I am playing medieval 2 total war, and i am loving it ! also some age of empire 2 a classic !
some left for dead and thing of playing never winther night 2 but cant seem to have time playing it ...
Toguesss make sure you buy the expansion after that...It changes some things on the game..Makes it a tad better..Forget what they changed but they added a lot to the game..Mask of betrayer sorry..
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