[QUOTE="kazakauskas"][QUOTE="Cdscottie"] Tell me, what do you actually roleplay in Diablo 2? A sword totting barbarian? Is there any character development? Any choices to change the world or story? It's a kill, kill, kill and if you lose you restart till you win. I love Diablo 2 but as I said, it has very few RPG elements other then a skill tree and inventory management and heck, FPSs and RTSs these days incorporate that. Does that make those FPSs and RTSs roleplaying games?Cdscottie
Tbh i dont know what arguments to give you after such response... You do actually know that RPG is a large genre ? Do you know what is hack'n slash RPG games ?
Ill just quote you from wikipedia and you can go talk with whoever wrote (and rest of the world) that they are wrong. cheers
quote from diablo wikipedia page"Diablois adark fantasy-themedaction role-playing gamedevelopedbyBlizzard Northand released byBlizzard Entertainmenton January 2, 1997."
qoute from Diablo 2 wikipedia page"Diablo IIis adark fantasy-themedaction role-playing game, with elements of thehack and slashand "dungeonroaming" genres. It was released forWindowsandMac OSin 2000 byBlizzard Entertainment, and was developed byBlizzard North. It is the sequel to the 1996 hit PC game,Diablo."
All i can say to you : go and read about thing you will argue about before talking about it.
Remember, this is a forum and thus we are entitled to our opinions. Back in the 80's Van Halen was tagged as Hair Metal but many fans debated them being incorporated into this genre. Why can't people do the same for games? And as I said, I loved Diablo and Diablo 2 immensely I just don't believe it has much to do with roleplaying. Does that make my opinion wrong? No, does it make yours? No. This is a forum and opinions are to be debated to spark conversation/debates. As for "Go and read about the thing you will argue about before talking about it." I have read the entirety of both wikipages as well as countless sites and although they state it as a action RPG, I still do not agree with it being pegged with the genre. Look at your argument from this side : al heavy music is 1 genre (usually groups go from Hard Rock to Metal / heavy metal very often) so Van Halen plays heavy music , now is this heavy metal or metal or hard rock is subgenre. Same with diablo. Now you are saying that Diablo isnt RPG is like me saying that Van Halen is a POP or club music group . While you can discuss that Dablo is one or other subgenre you have to agree with whole world. ass ppl say "dont try to invent bicycle again" . Diablo IS rpg and it resembles disciption of those subgenres of RPG , so why say it isnt ?
I mean , if you just say "Diablo isnt RPG ! who cares that in standarts that whole world use for a long time it indeed is RPG, but i , personaly , disagree with old rules and say that it isnt RPG" i cant say anything as i just dont see a point .
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