[QUOTE="biggest_loser"][QUOTE="Nitrous2O"] [QUOTE="biggest_loser"]What exactly were you expecting with Bioshock? Its not the games fault that there was so much hype generated around it. That cmfsa
Bottom line, I was probably just expecting more fun. Plasmids were OK, but I guess didn't really dig them, I never felt compelled to really use them in variety and change things up. And other than that aspect and some combat options, the game felt extremely linear. I enjoyed S.T.AL.K.E.R. significantly more for example.
To each their own though. It was a good game, and keep in mind I did like it....but...I don't feel like re-playing it for example :)
But you have to use them...they are the basis of the combat.
And to me I dont buy this linear talk: that game has so many rooms to explore, even though it doesn't encourage it (wouldn't that be linear?) best of all every area rewards you with new goodies for searching through them.
You are entitled to your opinion, so thats cool..
He said compelled to use them in variety. That's one of the problems with BioShock. They told us that no two fights would ever be alike, but the reality is that as gamers, we seek out the most efficient way of doing things and then do it over and over and over again. Irrational should have known that, and they should have balanced the game properly. But they didn't.
Combat in BioShock can basically be summed up as: Zap, whack, zap, whack, zap, whack. The only time there's ever any real incentive to use anything other than electrobolt and your wrench, even on hard, is against the big daddies. And did anyone honestly use anything other than the decoy and the grenade launcher? I experimented a little, but once I found something that worked, I saw no incentive in using less efficient, less effective means of fighting my enemies.
As for the linearity, I'm fine with linearity when there are other gameplay elements to compensate - but BioShock didn't really have anything else to offer.
And we aren't the only people who feel this way:
"2K Boston is still recovering - a good chunk of the BioShock team did not want to work with Ken ever again, and 2K definitely understood the sentiment and let them set up a new studio so that they can make Bioshock 2, leaving Ken with Project X [an upcoming X-COM remake]."
Ken was the man at the helm in BioShock, and - for reasons unknown to me - the BioShock team does not want to work with him on its sequel. Why? He was also at the helm for SS2, so it was presumably something that happened during BioShock - or how BioShock turned out. Did Irrational really want to make such a watered down kiddy console game?
I really wish you would stop being so cynical and cruel because its not a "kiddy console game" at all. That is a really unfair judgement. It a mature game for one thing and I really think some - not necessarily you - are just attacking it because it was released on Xbox360.
And I for one favoure the freezing not the lightning bolt sir.
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