I may have only played the demo of Crysis but from what I saw in that game I wasn't that blown away. That first level is very linear - obviously as an introductory stage - but even when you're attack the radar thing and that checkpoint there is really only one way. I didn't find it as satisfying as some other games. I don't know why. I want to like the game so much.
That was my exact feelings after playing the demo too. I thought "that's it"? After I got past that stage, I was totally sucked into the game. Crysis is a fantastic technical achievement and it's fun as hell at times. Give it one more chance, you won't regret it. I'm not saying it's the perfect FPS, but it's easily one of the best games last year. Except those lame vehicle missions, seriously, what were they thinking? Halo CE has better vehicle control for God's sake. A 7 yr old console-game...
What's wrong with the vehicle control? I've had a harder time controlling (land) vehicles in BF2 and 2142. I actually liked the vehicles, especially the VTOL that Yahtzee says is nearly impossible to fly (which strikes me as very odd; it's quite possibly the most ridiculously simple vehicle to pilot I've ever used in a game).
The only problem with land vehicles in Crysis is those damn short palm trees all over the place that aren't destructible. I don't know what the hell Crytek was thinking with those things.
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