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why harras the guy about how many times its been posted. you read the title you didnt have to click it.
anyways i doubt theres 1 greatest game but half life, brothers in arms or americas army are all fun
Half-Life Source was great for PC. So was Counterstrike Source. Battlefield 2 is great if you find a good server as well. As you see I like FPS but for MMO (I don't give two (#)!_'s what you think it is), I liked Guild Wars alot. It was fun and the people there are VERY kind unlike World of Warcraft where little kids roam almost everywhere you go.
For anything else: Super Mario World for SNES. Great game of all time. I played that through like 5 times and it never got boring.
Half-life without a doubt. Even if it hadnt spawned Counter Strike, probably the most important work of online gaming, I can't think of any game that has lasted as long or had as great an impat as Half Life has.
I guess I need to through Counter Stike into the midst too. I remember playing CS when I was a freshman in College 8 years ago. Nothing lasts that long unless its really got something.
There are a lot of other games that are up there. Fallout for sure which is why I'm not looking forward to Fallout 3. I think fallout 3 is going to be an awsome game its just not going to be the fallout I remember. If they just slapped a different name on it, I'd have it right at the top of my most anticipated list. But I digress.
Star Craft Deserves a place up there.
I guess those are the games I'd list as best. If you want "greatest" or "most important" There are plenty more but that would be a different list.
EDIT: I can't believe I forgot my personal all time favorite. I doubt there are too many people around here who even remember this game, and I certainly wouldn't claim it to be the best game ever but I can't think of any game I personally had more fun with. For me Earthsiege is definately at the top. Too bad it went downhill after the original and its expansion. It did eventually spawn Tribes though.
I would have to say warcraft 3, and frozen throne. Man those games are so awsome! I used to rush home after school every day to play them. After WarCraft3 I would sy the first KOTOR, and Mech warrior 4.
Good games for sure but if you're willing to put up with some dated graphics and you can pardon their dust there are some great, I would venture to say better, predecessors to both Warcraft 3 and Mechwarrior. Warcraft 2 and Mechwarrior 2 were the best of their series if you ask me.
I'll list mybest game for each genre instead:
RPG: Fallout 1 and 2
RTS: Company of Heroes
TBS: Civ 4
Squad-based Tactical: Jagged Alliance/ Fallout Tactics
I'll go by genre as well. It's listed in decending order, first being my best.
FPS: Tribes, Unreal Tournament 2004 Half-Life, Marathon 2
--Tribes was distinctly awesome multiplayer team based fun, and I still play it weekly. UT is lower because I have only played the demo, but I'm already hooked. Half-Life is so neat that there are things that other FPS' haven't been able to duplicate yet. Marathon was so ahead of Doom that is wasn't even funny, and its still playable today.
RTS: StarCraft, Seven Kingdoms II, Battlezone, Total Annihilation
--StarCraft is the ultimate strategic game. Seven Kingdoms mixes it up fairly well and makes a fun game. Battlezone lets you be in the action at FPS level. TA is on there because I own it, but never really played it.
RPG: System Shock 2, Morrowind, KOTOR, Star Control II, Deux Ex, Fallout
--System Shock 2 was not only the scariest game ever, but it was a great custom mix of RPG and FPS. Morrowind was a great open ended RPG filled to the brim with goodies. KOTOR was a fun Star Wars game, and that's enough to get on the list. Star Control II was open ended RPG in SPAAACE. Deus Ex was another customizable mix of FPS and RPG...and Fallout was just cool isometric turn based goodness.
Other notable games include Freespace 2, Sacrifice, and those damn Civ games.
--Freespace 2 still to this day is my favorite flight sim/combat. Sacrfice is a great, distinct RPG-RTS hybrid. Civ is just Civ, you know.
But to pick a favorite? Huh. I'd probably go with Freespace 2. So much fun.
I dunno man...why not look in the 12,343 other threads with this EXACT same topic and find out?dnuggs40
Yes. A new thread like this almost ever other day...
I guess im the only one who loved Deus Ex. Not the crappy sequel though.DABhand_UKFar from it. It's been mentioned around four times or so in this thread. I consider it the third greatest game of all time, just behind System Shock 2 and SC2:UQM.
I dunno man...why not look in the 12,343 other threads with this EXACT same topic and find out?dnuggs40
whats your motherboard? because i will assemble a pc same processor as you and i just want to get a idea..:)
RPG- Ultima 7... chrono cross/trigger/ff4
FPS- Halo
Strategy RPG- Jagged Alliance 1,2 & Syndicate
RTS- C&C/Red Alert
Adventure- Day of the Tentacle
Simulation- Civ 3, Simcity 2000 (sc3000 for best music), Theme Hospital
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