Oh look it got the award over bioshock :lol: dont even get me started about bioshock. Please, condemned pwns both. I wonder if you ever played it. Hell dead space too. Who cares about gamespot awards? Everyone when it supports them ;) Thats who. Cant say i care and i also fail to see how it "recieved universal priase and admiration for its thick atmosphere for a reason"
But by all means, post award and reviews, i am sure the same can be done for other games in their respective factors..."respective" :P.
Hell i could find other games that got awards but most people here would dissagree, so what you said proves NOTHING.
Also i watched the movie which was a lowbudget that made no sense at all. Total crap. Also it has NO story and its clearly not an interesting one. This is the reason stories have turned to the crap they are nowadays. becaue everyone can make a "Story" by throwing random stuff together and FAILING to provide an explanation for them and use the POOR excuse that "you did not understand it" like LOST did. But in reallity it was "lost" in its own idea.
Hell i even played metro 2033 that "supposelly" was based on a famous book and the story was pretty uinteresting. But it wasnt at all.
Conclusion, book stories are overatted...and yeah the game is too. It's very overatted infact. It received 8.5 back in 2007, what for? For 5 year game that supposed to be huge but kept removing stuff and ended up to the poor result it was when it came out? Why its not "overatted" for its the linear map as opposed to the big dead city map they removed from the game? Or should i speak for the vehicles? Or should i speak the poor npc and towns that bethesda can take pride for not making that weak stuff? Or "get out of here stalker"
Trully a remarkable piece of art :roll: Its a lowbudget, a good attempt but still a poor one and overrated. Now lets go to call of pripyat which is a great game and not the overatted stuff stalker SOC was. It got an 8.0 now thats a proper rating, why in the world soc deserved more when it was so much less? One can say that ratings vary depending the era that the time the game came out, but in this case, it only supports my point since games in the past were much more than they are today.dakan45
Played two thirds of Condemned on the PC, best bit was the abandoned department store of all the abandoned places. It was good, rided heavily on derilict inner city areas. The second was ok as well from what I played. Own DeadSpace on the PS3, it's a decent action game, its atmoshpere is reminiscent of Doom 3's corridors of jump scares, and every other sci fi horror, not to say it was bad, it just wasn't interesting in the slightest.The gamespot example is one enforcing my point, don't think it's irrelevant. Furthermore STALKER's reputation for being atmospherically rich adds weight to my point; I'm stating it for a reason. You can yell at the top of your lungs but it doesn't change the consensus.
As I hope you know, this is basic debating, supporting your argument.
Hell please, go read.
It's not often a games atmosphere and richness can provoke that much introspection, STALKER obviously has it in spades.
Otherwise are you really? Well honestly I find that amusing. Stalker is a film that relies heavily on its visuals to tell its story, and it's a damn good film; it's considered to be Tarkovsky's best. If you don't like it, well that's a cool opinion of yours, as in regard to STALKER the game, your opinion isn't going to override the consensus and the reasons backing it up. Otherwise, no it's explained, even the deliberately vague (the meatgrinder anomoly, which is gets far more time and focus in the novel Roadside Picnic) to build the tension and atmosphere. The plot of all things isn't hard to follow at all, it's the least difficult compared to taking in the slow screenplay.
Metro 2033 was based on the novel Metro 2033. There are certain influences from Roadside Picnic and STALKER in it, however its focus is very much elsewhere. Metro 2033 the game doesn't capture the atmosphere of the book nearly as well as it could have, or should have, nor does it push into the books themes (it's which is far more philosophical). The film Stalker punctuates itself with philosophy at its climax, Metro 2033 the book has it as a prevalent theme, while the setting acts as the spine adding structure and context. Roadside Picnic is very much in between.
Those two are good books, if you don't mind the wonky translation of Metro 2033 it's worth a read, I enjoyed it much more than the game.
You're making it out as if STALKER is praised for being a perfect game.
No it's not, I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that.
It's a game that has some crucial flaws. Yes we know the segregated areas are smaller than they should be, and yes we know the plot is poorly told - it actually is a good plot, and it does brush on certain themes that its influential predecessors did, amoung other mechanical qualms.
However you're missing the point entirely. STALKER is a game that is incredibly rich in what it does, it's an absolute gem in standing out against other games today, in the sum of its parts, despite its flaws. There aren't shooters or many games that simulate an environment as it does, or encourage a multilayered level of interaction with the game world. Nor are there games that encourage emergent gameplay, and have such a rich and tangible setting to back it up.
STALKER is one of a kind.
CoP is a game that is by all means, mechanically better, and expands on STALKERs failings immensely, but it's a game that doesn't have nearly as interesting plot stringing together the game (CoP"s plot is actually pretty poor, the narrative isn't great either - the climax was well, so strikingly out of knowhere it's amazing), nor does it have the exact same tone, or mystery - setpieces like the Brain Scorcher.
You have the notion that a game has to score a certain mark in order to deserve praise.
You're missing the point, STALKER is well worth its weight that people praise it for what it is, and don't have to point towards a metacritic mark to establish how much worth they got out of the game.
Which is why other games like Mount & Blade get such a strong reaction from people, as well as praise despite having flaws and being critically downplayed, as with the ArmA games and a variety of others.
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