The last game I finished was Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence on the PS2 and now I am about to finish Jak and Dexter 2 on the same platform. Also I am beggening to get really into FFXII because of the story, even though some of the gameplay aspects, like RTwP combat, I don't like.
I find that I usually finish more console games than PC games, probably because they focus more so on story and the singleplayer experience than PC games. The last game I nearly beat on PC was DoW, but I can't bring myself to finish the last mission since the one before it was so boring. I also nearly beat Dreamfall, unfortunatly my hardrive failed and I can't get the save file, the gameplay in the game blows and I can't be botherd to replay it for the story.
 However I do often finish many games of Galactic Civilizations 2 and other infinite length games.
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