I'm basically gonna use the desktop for gaming and this what combination I'm going either core i7 930 w/ HD5870Or amdphenom II X6 BE w/HD5870 or amd phenom II X4 955 w/ HD5850. The core i7 rework of the turbo boosteris a plus for me however not sure aboutthe phenomII X6 BEwhole system set up price compare to core i7 930 and i seen some benchmarks and certain field for the phenom II X6 BE seems to win compare to core i7 930or vice verse but haven't seen any benchmarks for games yet. So I just need to know which should I go for the Server families of both company or just phenom II X4 955? I wouldn't be overclocking itanytime soon on any part and one more question is the USB 3.0 worth getting? I'm gonna play this games in future which is diablo3, starcraft 2 and some FPS games like MW2,Ghost Recon:Future Soldiersand Borderlands. Thanks with regards.
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