You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to disagree.
I'm not really being opinionated here, the only thing that happens in BF:BC2 is that things that go up come down... and that's about the extent of it. It shouldn't be in a poll over games like GTA:IV, Cell Factor, the Source games etc. The physics engines behind those games are way more advanced than the one in BC2, fact.
I completely agree that BC2 doesn't have as realistic an implementation of physics as say.. Source games.. or Red Faction Guerrilla.. but it's the way the destructible buildings and cover integrate themselves into the gameplay that impressed me. Sure, it's scripted.. and the buildings/cover can only come apart so many different ways.. but it's how it affects the game and makes it feel like you're really there. I think one of the other posters said it best- "Shock and Awe" factor is what I call "impressive." To me, that's how you make a good game. The game is just plain fun, and those things have alot to do with it. I can walk up to a door with enemies behind it and know that if they spot me, they can shoot me through the wall, which will eventually splinter and come apart similarly to real life. Or, I can bust the door down (which is something that's been missing from the majority of shooters forever).
Destruction impresses me, ok? :P And yes.. your statements are your opinion, not fact. This isn't a poll about the overall best physics engine, it's a poll about the implementation of physics in specific games being impressive. Several people voted for BC2, so it's place on this list is justified. I do feel a bit bad for putting no source games on this list.. but honestly those physics feel boring to me now because they're only executed on a very small scale.. like kicking a trash can over, or throwing something and seeing the way it bounces. That's very realistic, and impressed the hell out of me in 2004/2005. What you see in Red Faction Guerrilla is the ability to set explosive charges near the base of a tower, detonate them, and you can HEAR the metal creaking and the stone crumbling as the stresses finally take the tower down. You can see the metal and or/stone getting fatigued as you hammer away at it.. If the enemy has a convoy crossing a bridge, you can destroy that bridge a number of different ways. I just found that much more impressive in the shock and awe department.. and the overall scale of what can be destroyed is amazing.
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