You should definitely get The Orange Box. It's a goldmine of awesomeness. Half Life 2 is one of the best games ever made. So is Portal. So is Team Fortress 2.
Grab the Crysis demo, see how well it runs. If it runs, and runs well, no mater how low you have to set the visuals, you should get it. It's an amazing game.
You should also check out F.E.A.R, Call of Duty 2 & 4, the Grand Theft Auto games and both Max Payne games.
You might want to grab yourself a copy of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, and The Witcher, as well. Two awesome RPGs.
Most of the above is on Steam, so you could be playing them all by this afternoon.
If you want an RTS, your best options are Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander, Medieval II, World in Conflict or Command and Conquer 3. They all have demos, so you should decide for yourself.
If the thought of empire building in real time while fighting epic space battles appeals to you, check out Sins of a Solar Empire, out tomorrow.
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