My girlfriend likes to play games, (mostly on the PSP), still she's been curious about "what's the deal with the RPG's I keep bragging about with my friends", RPG's like Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 2, Arcanum: Steamworks, etc.
So she decided to give it a go at one of them, the problem is that seeing as how this is the first WRPG she will play I don't want to lend her one that is too hard, has too much text, too graphically outdated or one that's turn based.
Her PC isn't the best either so mass effect is out of the question.
I was thinking of lending her Jade Empire: Special edition, it seems to fit description of what I should lend her: decent graphics, real time combat, not too much text, voice acting, not too heavy on the rule set, etc.
But I was wondering if you have other recomendations?
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