So you like boiling point, but it sucks? or its poorly design? (so does crysis fact not theory, i didnt say it sucks i said it could be designed with les tecnical flaws)you wanna get white gold?thenewau25
There are good things about the game, and there are good ideas that are done badly. It's not a good game, but there are good things about it.
anyway as for rpg well its more rpg than fable right?thenewau25
I haven't played Fable.
duh not many hardcore rpgs games left i think only witcherthenewau25
I know,, but that's no defense, is it? I mean, if all developers stopped making good games, should we say "well, they don't make good games any more - this is what we should expect" or should we demand good games? Real roleplaying games might not be made any more, or might not be very common, but that doesn't mean we should just accept that, does it?
in any case oblivion is more rpg than fable duh people call fable an rpg? id call it action adventure eg a boss that you dodge attacks by rolling around and hit him from the back?thenewau25
I know nothing of Fable, but when I'm talking about roleplaying games, I mean games like Bloodlines and Fallout. Games where you build a unique character and that character can interact with the world in unique ways.
well fallout looked like fallout in graphics in skills aiming system perks bla bla style setting pip boy power fist, now from being from bethesada? well all eidos games with guns remind me hitamn style,thenewau25
I have a hard time understanding you, so I'm not sure what it is you're saying here exactly.
far cry 2 doesnt look like far cry same desingersthenewau25
It's not the same designers. Crytek made Far Cry, while an inhouse Ubisoft studio is working on Far Cry 2.
deus ex and invisible war, same designers so diffirent(deus ex 3 will be from outher designers)system shock 2 and bioshock, they mostly use the idea and story lol another fake identity radio character, but the inventory system and shooting they are all dififrent!thenewau25
The thing about these games is that there is a shift towards shallow and constricting games with massmarket appeal, for the casual gamers. There is never (or almost never) a shift away from mainstream into a deliberate niche, so although there can be a change in a series, it's always (or almost always) a change towards shallow, not away from it.
so my point is is it form bethesada its gonna be like their games but being like the previous, only the hardcore old gamers will play not new ones, it focuses in fallout points like the perks so i guess not totally hardcore but it got to be playable by both sides!, to explain you what i meanthenewau25
It's looking like it's going to be more like Oblivion than Fallout. While it has perks and SPECIAL and stuff, we don't know how much of an impact they will play on the game, and we don't know how they will affect the player. Superficially, BioShock looks just like System Shock 2 - it has hacking, character development, a security system audio logs and all other kinds of things. But when you look under the surface layer, they are very, very different games. Many, perhaps most, Fallout fans expect that from Fallout 3. On the surface, it may contain all of Fallout 1 and 2's core gameplay mechanics, but how they will be used remains to be seen.
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