Me. Played WoW for like 4 years. Was in line for mid night releasefor burning crusade and wrath of the lich king. Ah, I miss those days. Was so excited to get home and install and play. I'm passing on Cata though.
Just don't have the time for WoW anymore. Graduated college and now have a full time job. I don't have the time to spend 3+ hours rading. : / Was gonna just stick to PVP this go around, but I am just going to pass completely. Too many other fun games I am playing. I spend a lot of time gaming, but wanna play when I want to. Not when the guild leader does.
I feel sad though. I should be getting ready to get in line with all the other nerds. Oh, well. All good things come to an end. So who else got BC and WOTLK, but passing on Cata.
I'm same boat as you.... TIME is the issue now. I just can't find the time for an MMO. BUT: I just picked up Cata today cause I am really interested in becoming a werewolf.... thing is, I'm just gonna play at my pace, when I get free time.... no hardcore raiding or 4 hour long dungeons... just mostly solo play enjoying the new Azeroth....yeah man, as far as I am concerned, raiding is the only "bad" thing about WoW...just takes so much time. They have made it so organized, casual guilds an do raids as they wish throughout the week, an hour or two at a time...the problem is no one takes advantage of this. Seems like everyone wants to do a full clear in a night or two lol.
Outside of that, WoW is the perfect MMO for people who dont want to spend too much time. Its fun, easy, and you can get a lot of fun out of it in 30 minutes or 3 hours.
*I will be on the server Cairne, btw, if you feel like looking me up lol
I'll be starting a Worgen on NAGRAND (since that is where my normal character is and has roughly 50/50 horde/alliance), wanna come over?
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