Who has played CoD 4 demo and what do you think?

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#51 Anthony9000
Member since 2006 • 2173 Posts

I have to say altogether...the demo was very O.K. since it lacked in sounds, and gameplay but i guess the graphics healed some of that........

This game shouldn't have COD in the name though i think.....it seems more like an AD to join the american army than anything else. I'm dissapponited in Infinity Ward and may not be getting this game (i hated COD2's multiplayer so i hope it want be like that, and SP was good in COD2 but the demo in COD4 made me think of some story thats been used from a million other games in it bout killing terrorists)

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#52 Skullheart
Member since 2006 • 2054 Posts

How is it in your opinion?Minder22

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Anyone who can't see why this game would easily take "Game of the Year" away from all other games either:

A: Hates CoD 4 because of the sole reason that it's popular.
B: Sucks at the game.

Just as a side note... I was highly skeptical of this game because of Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 2, which I absolutely hated. This game's demo totally blew my expectations away.

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#53 XturnalS
Member since 2004 • 5020 Posts

It was very fun i even went back and tried all the diff. and tried different tactics and guns too. Graphics were amazing, and the AI was incredibly accurate on the harder diff. but the friendly AI more then held its own.

Overall this game went from a must-buy to pre-order status, and for a person that never pre-orders anything, thats saying something.

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#54 rage2381
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
As I have been reading the rest of the posts on here, I notice that the lot of the people found it kind of "same o'le" and nothing too exciting as before. I have to agree that I got that feeling as well when I played the demo the first time. On my last post I noted the one thing that was extremely lacking was in the SOUND department; And the reason I bring this up is because after playing the demo some more, I could account for the exciting visuals and intense action, but where the action stops and seems to stay lacking and bland, would be the sound I believe. The guns just dont have that "real" life feeling to them, more like fake guns with built in sound amplifiers they make when you press a button. For me, to feel truley immersed in the game and excitible would be the commotion of the loud sharp rounds cracking off and the cling when you hear the brass eject out of the reciever, and games like BF2 and especially the mod for it Project Reality, really captured the real sound effects of many types of real world weaponry. I guess, It's just that feeling I get when pulling the trigger, you can really feel the power of the weapon, and to me, that feels more immersive and real for FPS gameplay. :D
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#55 ncderek
Member since 2004 • 5513 Posts
graphics were nothing good, but the game will be a lot of fun, probably the game i look forward most to just bc the online will last me a while
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#56 Herrick
Member since 2004 • 4552 Posts
I liked it a lot. I hope the singleplayer will be longer than Call of Duty 2.
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#57 kyrieee
Member since 2007 • 978 Posts

[QUOTE="Minder22"]How is it in your opinion?Skullheart

I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Anyone who can't see why this game would easily take "Game of the Year" away from all other games either:

A: Hates CoD 4 because of the sole reason that it's popular.
B: Sucks at the game.

Just as a side note... I was highly skeptical of this game because of Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 2, which I absolutely hated. This game's demo totally blew my expectations away.

How about "has an opinion different from yours"? They're just scripting more, I'll be damned if a game like this get GOTY.