[QUOTE="MrLions"]It is chess if you think about it. Out smarting your opponent with massive armies, constantly thinking what to do charging into their bases, arty them to hell, call in support from the sky it's pretty intense at times. Company of Heroes *cough* It's also relaxing break from shooters and usually has no annoying players in multiplayer. And some games allow you to change the camera angle when watching a replay and you can see the view of your army which is pretty cool if you ask me :oBluRayHiDef
I don't have a problem with it being like chess. I'm just wondering if people who play RTS games play them for the story and characters. The RTS genre simply seems unfit to convey stories on an individual level and with the style necessary to immerse the player into the world of the characters. For example, look at gameplay footage of Starcraft and then look at the cinematic-like trailer. They seem so different. It makes me wonder why the game is advertised in such a way where the story seems like the integral part of the game (or at the very least equal to the gameplay in importance). In reality the story couldn't be anywhere near as important as the gameplay. Do you get my point? The gameplay style (bird eye view, with so many "game pieces on the board") isn't as personal as a first person or third person game, where you're tied to a single character who you follow and control.
To be REALLY honest, I play games for gameplay. Thats mainly why I love MMORPGs. It is not that I don't care about stories, it's simply that once you've done the story, I don't want a game to end there. I mean, the story could be good, but if the gameplay sucks... whats the point (imo)? I love RPGs for their immersive stories AND gameplay. For RTS, I love the gameplay so even if the story sucks, I don't really care cuz I'm having fun playing the game. For Starcraft 2, it has a great story AND the gameplay is cool.
For example, they wanted to release Starcraft: Ghost on the PS2, Gamecube and Xbox. They did not. Why? We don't know. But I can assume the gameplay wasn't as good as it would have been if it was a RTS. Maybe the story of SC Ghost was Epic!... but if the gameplay sucks... whats the point?
IMO: Gameplay > Story. Good if you have both. But a story won't make me buy a game. The gameplay can. For example: Too Human on the 360. The story sucked so hard but I've played several hours online with my friends and had such a great time! For RTS, I take Age of empires 3 as an example. I did 2 missions of the campaign and stopped cuz I thought it sucked (storywise). But wow I had so much fun playing Lan with my friends. But hey! That is just me XD
In a sentence, I play RTS for gameplay and "NICE!" if there's a good story (SC 2).
That's only my opinion. Don't throw garbage at me!:roll:
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