is counter strike still popular? :o there' so many rip offs of that single game these days :\
and how about OF dragon rising? I know it's like kinda dead on consles but how's the coummunity on PC?
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is counter strike still popular? :o there' so many rip offs of that single game these days :\
and how about OF dragon rising? I know it's like kinda dead on consles but how's the coummunity on PC?
is counter strike still popular?
I swear this question is asked every single week.
Yes. It's still popular. It's still the most popular MP FPS on the PC. It will always be popular. Still has 3000-4000 servers daily, 24/7, sometimes 6000, full of players. I'm playing, so those stats are real, its just they vary a lot.
I mean God damn. The mods should make a sticky stating that CS is still popular.
For Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising there is a new AddOn coming out early next year. That will probably help the MP part a bit. Don't know if games of this kind are suited to be played on public servers, anyway. Looks more like a game for organized clans - just like ARMA and some of the flight sims.Morgan_Kell
From what I see they have ceased devolpement of all further DLC and shutdowned the servers as wel
Unless you mean Red River which is another game.
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising will be on our list of games to try and play on pc as we purchased it for $4 or so on Steam today. I think more than a few people probably got in on that deal.
yeah opfp2dr isnt a good game but for 4 dollars its a good buy.. at -5 bucks opfp2dr is a good value for its quantity and qality. its a great game for benching audio and has some good game mechanics and combat. but the mp sucks eggs, and the sp is dryer than a dead tree in the sahara.
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