Hero : Gordon Freeman
Vilain : Jon Irenicus (from baldur gate 2), Kreia (kotor 2), Gman(dont know if hes good or bad)
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[QUOTE="A-S_FM"]why did i have to read through 9 posts before someone mentioned shodan?
what's wrong with you guys? your brains are damaged and broken and i very much do not agree with you or your entire agenda here
and i am not alone, our numbers are swelling - and we will not tolerate this
you have been warned.
See I would have said Shodan, but I think Many-as-One just sticks out more in System Shock 2 more than Shodan since most of the game you're going up against M-A-O. Shodan just kinda swoops in at the last part. So yes, you're right Shodan is awesome, but she doesn't get the screen time to warrant a "Best of" or "Favorite" in my book.
That would be Xerxes
ill Have to say the night elf guy for warcraft 3 i forgot what his name is>the blind guy he's sort of a villanous hero.Â
Admiral Basch from Freespace 2 was a good sympathetic villain, though his monologue's constant historical/mythological references were tiresome.
ROFL LMAO LOL !!!!!!!!!Â
-Kane, from C&C series
-Any of the Soviet leaders in the Red Alert series, they were all so charismatic that you could help but chuckle when Stalin said "when you kill one, its a tragedy...when you kill a million, its a statistic."
-HK-47 from Knights of the Old Republic...you are so used to cute Star Wars robots that when you finally meet a homocidal one you're like "Hahaha, that is soooooooo badass...suckit meatbags."
Heroes-Gordon Freeman, the strong silent type. He is just your average physics nerd who discovers his inner badass. And in the second game you find out that you have this huge following and that you reached legendary or even mythical status.
-Sam Fisher, he is a modern day ninja, fighting the good fight free of the red tape governments often put on most delicate issues. His dark humor and one liners are totally awesome, and the actor who voices him just has an awesome, gravelly, hearty voice.
-Duke Nukem, the guy is a walking xenocidal maniac, spitting oneliners along the way. 'Nuff said.
-Agent 47, sure you could debate this but the fact is that he is an assassin and while his main target is often a bad guy, you kill a lot of innocent peole along the way (well, I do atleast). Agent 47 is the physical culmination of the "do the ends justify the means" debate.
-G Man from Halflife 2, while he seems to be Gordon's keeper, you are not totally sure what his motivations are. Is he in it for personal power, or is he a worldly patriot, doing what he must to stop the Combine? Putting Gordon into stasis wasnt very nice, but he also lets Gordon fight the good fight when he is assigned a "job".All in all I heavily favor the villains. Its odd because people often describe me as a grizzly bear with a heart of gold, or even a teddy bear. I think my friends would be suprised to see how sadistic I am in my games. In C&C, I will burn down a village before going around it. Flame tanks for the win!
Oh, I want to add Walton Simons, the FEMA director from Deus Ex. I think that if Dick Cheney was younger and had bio implants, he would be Walton Simons *shiver*
And of course I gotta add my favorite hero of all time, JC DENTON!mrbojangles25
It was an HONOR reading your post. Such beautiful English, I can only totally agree with you on all perspectives, it is as if you could read my mind. I would go with you into battle anytime, throwing myself in the hail of bullets/plasma fire/flames and those evaporating as well as once hit I turn into a pile of skeleton to ensure the survival of people like you.Â
Best Villain : Definetly Jon Irenicus ( Baldur's Gate 2 ). The guy probably eats babies for breakfast...I would also put Bodhi alongside him, but i see her as a tortured sidekick at best, so no. And of course HK-47...DIE MEATBAG!!
Neutral : I'll go with Kreia here. I know, many consider her to be the bad dude-chick in the game. But i think she is just dissapointed with the corruption of the jedi counsil. So she goes to neutral in my opinion.Despite the fact that she tries to manipulate you throughout the entire game.
Hero : I got nothing here. Everyone seems too generic for me too distinguish one. Maybe JC Denton or, better yet, Duke Nukem due to the bubblegum comment of his.... edit : Guybrush is pretty nifty too...
[QUOTE="lindallison"]Admiral Bosch from Freespace 2 was a good sympathetic villain, though his monologue's constant historical/mythological references were tiresome.
ROFL LMAO LOL !!!!!!!!!Â
Yes. Seriously, his best monologue was the one he delivers when the Iceni is heading solo into the Nebula, where he's talking about being remembered as a - butcher of innocents - the other ones were weak. Still he was a great character with a nicely ambiguous and sinister fate. Â
* Caleb from Blood
* Master Chief from Halo
* Tommy from GTA Vice City.
* The fat man on F.E.A.R.(how hated that bast**d :lol: ).
* Kerrigan from Starcraft.
now wait a minute, i see many saying "Villian: HK-47"
wasn't he a hero? i mean, he was in YOUR party, and you were the hero of the story, be it a do-gooder or an assasin full of lines that made you laugh from his many ways of having fun by killng, he's still one of the "heroes" of the story... right?
 as for villians, i say Kratos
come on! the guy didn't even want to be a hero! it was forced! and he actually saved no one on purpose, save those who he needed alive(and the women to have sex with)
as for neutral, Kreia seems a good option
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