It's even worse than a COD game, at least some kids there are really nice (And some of them are actually neighbors or friends, but that's not the point).
[QUOTE="spiderman120988"]Damn, sorry to hear about that. I'm totally new to Dota 2 as I haven't had any experience with this genre but my first game, I was lucky not to get called a noob, instead everyone on my team just abandoned me without even saying a word. I don't think I'll get this game when it comes out, even SC2 isn't THAT elitist. KillerJuan77
Actually, SC2 isn't very elitist at all, the same with many RTS's. And yes, I started a match with 4 teammates to end up with 2 and then 3.
Yeah, I need to get back into SC2. I played for the first bnet season right after it came out, and actually did better than I've ever done in an online rts. Sure, I was in the bronze league, but that's why I loved the matchmaking system. First time I ever played an rts online and wasn't immediately paired with dudes who completely destroyed me.
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