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Gamespot don't seem to like FPS/RPG hybrids, because system shock 2 only got 8.5 aswell. _Pedro_
And Bioshock a 9 ho hum.
GameSpot almost seems to rate based on mainstream appeal - games like System Shock 2, The Witcher, Deus Ex, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines (this score was probably justified given the state of the game at release) and more all failed to get anywhere near a 9, while games which do not even vaguely compare on the awesomeness scale, but have huge mainstream appeal - games like Gears of War - get absurdly high scores.
That said, while I acknowledge Deus Ex as a pretty damn good game, I don't like it. Remember that there is no such thing as an objective opinion - and that's just what a review is. An opinion.. The developer may make mention of features and so forth - facts - but it is not the feature list that makes the game - it's the experience. And everyone experiences things differently. One man's nine is another's five. The reviewer might have just disliked it.
I'm a big fan of Deus Ex, it's one of my all time favorites. But I have no problem with an 8.2 score. It was far from perfect. It had a clunky graphics system that looked mediocre and taxed most systems of the day. It was buggy on release. The "choices" in the storyline were mostly cosmetic. And it had some sloppy implementation (25MB save files).
There is lots to love. It had a good story and a great imersive game world. The character development was a lot of fun. And the multiple approaches to every situtation was great. Don't loose track that 8.something is a good score. It means Gamespot liked it and recommended it. It just wasn't perfect.
They gave a tony hawk game a 10, how credible can they be?skizi1The reviewer thought that this game was perfect. He couldn't find a flaw in it. However, if you aren't a skate fan/don't like it, then the review isn't the be all and end all. It's when they start giving crap games good scores, that's when you need to get worried.
Ignore that review,remember these are the guys who gave PDZ a 9, 'nuff said.stvee101PDZ was a amazing game actually.
Edit: BTW Greg Kasavin was probably the best reviewer this site had.
[QUOTE="DucksBrains"][QUOTE="_Pedro_"]Gamespot don't seem to like FPS/RPG hybrids, because system shock 2 only got 8.5 aswell. _Pedro_
And Bioshock a 9 ho hum.
you call that a FPS/RPG hybrid?
Oblivion!!Enough said!!Just replace shooting with constant hacking!!
Actually to a point is not much of an RPG!!
Anyway dont listen to them, there is loads of underated game FAllout and Fallout,medieval II and kingdown. Cant believe they gave Hitman 5.2...i loved that game even though it had bugs!!
because the game was so insanely good that the reviewer couldnt wrap is head around it.
Its like not knowing how big the universe is, then finding just boggled the mind.
the scores here are like Baccarat. it's not an 8.5, it's an 18.5! it's so good but the numbering system just rolls over the first digit if it gets above 10. thats also why the gamespot site thinks it's actually 1908, not 2008. crazy computers and their interwebs!
wait..what the h3ll am i talking aboot?
Oblivion!!Enough said!!Just replace shooting with constant hacking!!
Actually to a point is not much of an RPG!!
man that game is amongst the highest rated games ever on the PC and got a 9,6 on the 360. You know, it's a good game and I respect people liking it, but it's just so wrong when the Witcher and Mass Effect only get 8,5.
[QUOTE="d_agra"]Oblivion!!Enough said!!Just replace shooting with constant hacking!!
Actually to a point is not much of an RPG!!
man that game is amongst the highest rated games ever on the PC and got a 9,6 on the 360. You know, it's a good game and I respect people liking it, but it's just so wrong when the Witcher and Mass Effect only get 8,5.
Gamespot don't seem to like FPS/RPG hybrids, because system shock 2 only got 8.5 aswell. _Pedro_and they destroyed Dark Messiah, it wasn't the best, but in no way did it deserve that low of a score.
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]Gamespot don't seem to like FPS/RPG hybrids, because system shock 2 only got 8.5 aswell. CubePrime_basicand they destroyed Dark Messiah, it wasn't the best, but in no way did it deserve that low of a score. People on this site hated it for bugs. Ditto for Deus Ex. At launch it was a bit buggy, IIRC. We take a lot of the patched versions of games for granted. Years ago in one of these threads, GregK dropped by and posted that there are a few reviews he wishes he could go back and change in hindsight, and Deus Ex was not one of them. He stands by the 8.2 score of the game as he reviewed it.
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]Gamespot don't seem to like FPS/RPG hybrids, because system shock 2 only got 8.5 aswell. CubePrime_basicand they destroyed Dark Messiah, it wasn't the best, but in no way did it deserve that low of a score.
I disagree. Even now, after performance has been increased and bugs have been largely fixed, I wouldn't rate the game beyond the 7.0-7.5 range. At the time of release, 6.7 was a pretty accurate score, I think.
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