The following statements are based on logic and common sense. Which you apparently lack, but what you lack you make up for in ego. Congrats.
1) Most people don't live in Donald Trumps house.
So 42" is the perfect for most households who sit between 5-7 feet away. - Hence SWEETSPOT.
2) It only gets better as you go up.
The bigger the pixel the more likely you are to see each minute detail, such as film's grain particles.
Hence it gets better as if goes up. That's why bigger TVs cost more. By your logic a 60" is no better than a 22". Your logic is flawed.
3) I think 32" 1080p TV is an overkill. Reason you need to sit closer than3 feet to actually see the details. So unless you're using it as an PC monitor it is a overkill.
Sorry but I'm destined to bust up your Ego today.
The ego on you is astounding. If I have no clue of image resolution I gotta get a new job, as I work in the media sector. Unlike you I get my facts from the source and not google. I've worked on 2K displays running DaVinci Suites thank you very much.
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