For having played both game:
1. Guild Wars PVP requires skills in order to be "Good".
2. Guild Wars is F2P
3. Guild Wars Titles were worthy and could make famous.
4. There was more action in major cities else than WTS/WTB "X" for Golds or LFG. People were actually trading items for items. (It's not a major point, but I actually liked this)
5. Guild Wars was hard. Back in Prophecies time (without Heroes and stuff) the game was hard to finish and the newbs weren't getting far in the game. I still think Guild Wars is harder than WoW. In WoW, you clear every new content within a week.
6. More diversity in PvP.
Well the list could go on... To be honest, I think WoW is a better game and I actually played a lot more than Guild Wars. The reason is that I like to play MMOs to level my character and build his armor. WoW excels in these aspects while Guild Wars is more focused on Titles, Weapons/Armor look over Weapon/Armor's stats because the stats aren't THAT important. Guild Wars' focus is on how you character is known on the realm, how famous and good he is and how rich he is (that you can tell by his gear) and its focus is also on farming which is cool, but it takes a way too big place in the game. And well, the level Cap is 20 so you don't have a lot of leveling. I also played AION which I thought was a REALLY good game. I mean, the game was hard, you couldn't reach level cap within a week or 2, in order to be descent you need to be Rich and really skilled. PvP is exciting and hard. The problem with AION is that it is not as easy to get in as the other 2 games. You need to invest hundred hours in a single character to really learn it and reach a decent level to really start enjoying the game. But I still think it's a good middle between both games.
To finish my thoughts, I think Guild Wars 2 will be a blast. It will keep every good aspect of Guild Wars and will take a lot of WoW into it. I don't want to say that it will crush WoW because I'm not a total WoW hater, but it will surely be very popular since it is still so far Free 2 Play. Thats all in my opinion by the way. I seriously can't wait for Guild Wars 2.
Blizzcon streams of WoW arena were up yesterday; if you think those matches didn't require any skill/vast communication you're delusional. Also, if you didn't clear all the hard modes like Alganon/Yog 0/ICC hard modes before the massive dmg buffs then you have nothing to complain about in terms of difficulty. You probably even didn't get very far in terms of rating in WoW.Don't worry, I played the game enough. I was 2200 in 2s (Ret Paladin and Resto Shaman) and let me tell you that it was very hard up there. But the PvP is pretty much the same: wait for next thuesday to get your arena points and do your wintergrasp dailies + BG dailies to get your honor. Over and Over again. I mean, the pvp in GW, if you suck, you'll suck because you won't get very far if you only rely on your friends in your team. Also, in 2s in WoW, Priest/Rogue mutilate or Resto Druid/MS Warrior were the 2 easy match-up to play with. My cousin was 12 years old and he and his friend reached 1900 with MS Warrior/Resto Druid. Yes the PvP in WoW gets hard at a certain rating, but once there, you just play and wait for your points to hope to get the same piece of armor that everyone already has...
And well yeah, for BGs... Everyone plays AFK in AV and get their points so they can get their PvP armor that EVERYONE has and then they jump into arenas and play a stupid OP combo or trio (Priest Mage Rogue for Example) and they get all their good gear. Without mentionning that your armor won't last more than 3 months before another one will come out. And also without mentionning all the noobs in BGs. Easy way to make honor points: Premade. PvP is very easy, let me tell you. Especially compared to GvG for example. And play at against Gladiator rank6-7, They're pro.
For the Elites and World Boss, yes they are hard, but no one does them. And you can get pretty much the same equipement through the other raids. Oh man, I was so happy to get my Tier 7.5 complete armor on my Paladin. Two weeks later, I was in Dalaran and guess what? Everyone has the same freaking armor (according to their class). WoW isn't the same since WotLK and you can't argue on that. GW is not the same since Nightfall either, but I think it's better in some aspects and the differences aren't as huge as WoW WotLK compared to WoW BC or Vanilla.
EDIT: Did I tell you that in Guild Wars 2 most of the skills, you will be able to cast while moving. MOST of them, not all. Isn't awesome? Blizzard Developpers are being paid millions and they haven't inovated this yet. Guild Wars 2 will one of the first, if not the first, to add this to a game. Awesome.
.. Uhhh.. What? Yes they have, and so have the majority of mmo's out there.. Its called the difference between a instant ability and a casting time ability.. This around since the original EQ.. Though I maybe misinterpreting you because its not very clear.
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