i have owned the xbox 360 since it was released in the uk and since then i am up 2 haveing 5 console problems
two occasions involved the dreaded 3 red light problem
the other three included disk drive failure
the thing wat really pees me of though is that on the forth occasion it happened on the 21th8 07 got it backtill 3rd 10 07
and 22nd the drive decied to stop working again it will think it is a dvd disk or be playing through bioshock then when loads new area it say disk cannot be read
and before you start going o its your disk , my disks are perfect and they work perfect on 2 other consoles so there is yet again another fault with my 360.
i was told i would receive a call from the compensation department within 48 hours after that time still no word so i ring them up and they say sory it takes 72 hours i was like :@ how can it change rom 48 hours on monday to 72 hours on wednesday.
you prob think im a big moaner but when you have spent 100's £ on games over the years and 80 on live subcription and100000 on ms points and i cant get a console that will work in return does that seem right considering it a multi billion £ corperation ?? And the fact my PS3 has had litterally no problems in the time since march it makes you wonder why MS isnt putting more effort in keeping its current players happy
any one else had loads of issues with ther console ???
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