Incidently, the gfx of Metro irks me more than CoP does.. It's just frustrating to have such a beatifull game go ahead and be totally inconsistent on you like Metro does.. Remember that mine cart section right near the beginning? Watching you and your comrades pass out due to the mind **** is downright terribnle terrible after you've seen Hunter arrive in all it's smokey and shiney glory.
Don't regard this comments as technical because I don't have to vocabulary to go scientist on anyonw here but Metro is terrible at meshing textures. Everyone with a ski mask looks like they soaked it in glue to make it act like a helmet for example. The aforementioned mine cart section makes you watch the npcs touch their heads to indicate the also mentioned mind **** but everyone seems to have an invisible forcefield sorrounding them. The Metro engine does'nt do people actually touching eachother or themselves. It does'nt do fabrics either.
I'd say that game is like a secret child of Source and Cryengine 2. Some parts are incredible while others are pretty dated.
CoP approaches you from the other side.. It starts you off unimpressed and then goes on to wow you. Metro Shows you a lot of shiney right off the bat and then goes on the show you that it's sort of skin deep.
Edit: Excuse the many spelling errors and bad congruity. I'm slightly intoxicated.
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