Yeah, it's no problem if you like Steam, I understand many of the advantages, everyone has their own preferences. And you say "Buy them from retailers"....are you just agreeing with me here? That's my whole point, some people will prefer to have the non-Steam versions of games.
What I don't get it from your post, is why it's so bad to want to manage your own folder system? I do it, you can structure the games how you like, I never install to the default "Program Files" location. I'm a software developer (no, not a game dev :)), so maybe it's my inherent nature to always be in Windows Explorer, can't imagine I'm the only one though.
Yeah, chances are we will always have an internet connection. But, does yours go out on occasion? Mine does. Do you have a large number of computers? I do, not all are always connected. What about when you move? Internet is expensive here (U.S.), what if I want to wait a bit before getting it connected again? Do you have a laptop? I do, it's doesn't always have an internet connection available to it. When you get old, maybe you care less about the internet than gaming, who really knows? There are just many, many reasons.
You like Steam? That's perfectly cool IMO.Nitrous2O
Oh yeah, I still very much prefer to buy retail copies of games, I like having boxes to put on my shelf. However, that's no reason to "hate" Steam which is what the OP explicitly states. Steam is an awesome alternative. You can buy old games for very low prices that are really hard to find and you can get sweet deals on new games as well - I just bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for $22.45 as a special holiday offer off Steam. It's a great place for small, indie developers to get started - the guys who made Rag Doll Kung Fu are now making the big-budget Sony-backed LittleBigPlanet. Also, Steam is a lot more than a digital distribution service.
I manage my folders as well, I have them grouped into games and programs seperately, I hate everything being crammed into Program Files. But it was me who decided where to place Steam, so the fact that Steam sorts all of my Steam-related stuff into its own folder really doesn't bother me at all.
Believe me, Euro Internet prices make American ones look dirt-cheap.
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