Crysis mp is good; basically is a mix (Power Struggle mode) between Battlefield -control points- Counter Strike -equipament management- and ressources control over the maps. These concepts and games are very popular, and mp in Crysis is well done, has VoiP support and is oriented to teamwork. What makes Crisis different and not as popular -well, a week after his launchship- ? The Requirements. I was playing the campaignat Medium settings-textures on High- 1680 x 1050 with a 7900 GT and the framerrate was overall between 20-25 fps, not much, bus enought to beat the sp on Delta in three days. Sadly this afternoon was playing the mp and the framerrate was much variable: 50 fps in some buildings and 20-23 in outdoors.
20-23 fps inoutdoors isn't enought in competitive mp. Ican run Quake Wars at the same res above the 35-45 fps, andQW in Medium looks in some aspects better than the Crysi mp. The same about the framerrate was with BF2. Also, QW and BF2 both has persistent rankigs -as now cod 4- which is adictive. Today, I'm waiting to finish my new rig -the 8800 GT are hard to find in my country- and until this moment play Power Struggle is a bit hard to enjoy in my sistem. Another failure is the absence of enviromental destruction under Windows XP in the mp modes, which is one of the star features of the engine.
But IMO, the mp scene in Crysis can only grow: the engine will be progressively patched and optimized, the hardware will be progressively upgrade, and Crysis 2 and 3 will become in the next years under the same engine. Also, the Sandbox Editor is as powerfull as friendly, and some mods like Obsidian Edge II, Command & Conquer The Dead Six or Mechwarrior: Living Legends are incoming.
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