so a 17 inch gaming laptop is better?? with no portability why not just get a desktop?? i still do not understand why it is a poor choice if you want to game... i game on my mac whit no problems... just get bootcamp and you can play all the games you want and have the portability and quality of a mac... ULYSSES2004
See, but you're comparing very different things. You say 17 inch is too big and you should get a smaller mac. But there's another choice.
How about for the price of that smaller mac you get an equally small non-mac and save hundreds of dollars, and still get better performance and/or battery life? You're bringing your subjective preferences about build quality into the discussion, but that takes no one nowhere, because not everyone will have your taste. All we can discuss is objective facts like processor speed, battery mileage (through quantitative mAh comparisons, not personal experiences), etc.
Most people wouldn't be willing to pay $500 for a backlit logo and a case made of aluminium if they were given the choice between two otherwise equal laptops. The thing is, Apple's marketing strategy is very effective, and that makes people buy their expensive items regardless of its inherent poor value, and still be happy about their choice.
I take my hat off for Apple, and in no way do I hate them (as you keep suggesting), I just value my hard-earned money and want to get the most out of it.
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