As most others said, it is not a bad game.
It is however a bad RPG, looking at it like any other RPG it falls hopelessly short, but if you dismiss the genre, and look at it like say, an rpg, then it is pretty good.
For me the only thing that really hurts Oblivion is the RPG sticker it has, it is competent in more then a few areas, but it has its share of faults.
Lack of different textures and indoor design, makes dungeon raiding stale fast, and everything is too procedural and feels too trigger scripted, and there is this unnerving feeling that when youve playied it for something like 7-10 hours, then you begin to see through the aspects of the game, and begin to feel the repetition.
It is a small set of complaints Tho, it does alot of things really well. I love the stealth in Oblivion, and consider it the best stealthgame since the Thief series, which is quite telling, since stealth is just a small componant of Oblivion, I like the feel of the bows, I love the fighting, and I like the exploration (despite the textures tire me out).
I generally like alot about the game, and I still consider it one of the must haves of this gen.
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