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With all due respect, but there aren't that much games worth of your penny. The rightful money isn't so rightful any more. If the market consistently delivered products that would be worth of the money you invest in purchase then we wouldn't have that much problems.Because they're free and they don't mind breaking the law and not giving people their right rightful money.
[QUOTE="Elann2008"] Taking away someone's money is just as evil. If you robbed me clean, I would be homeless, and I'll eventually die on the streets in starvation and delusion. Just because something isn't done in cold blood, such as murder, doesn't mean it's not evil. Elann2008
If you are not a potencial customer of the company (for example if you are poor or live in a poor country and a game is basically worth %10 of your monthly salary) and if you pirate, that doesn't mean you are taking money from their hands. Because you are copying the game , not removing it and if it wasn't for pirated games, you couldn't buy the game in the first place because you can't afford it (company doesn't earn anything from you).
Unless you are a douche sitting on a pile of money but avoiding paying games just because you are greedy, pirating doesn't make you evil or even "wrong" in my eyes. But seeing that the poor is mostly ignored by the rich folk or even the people with moderate income in our world, I'm not actually surprised that people are speaking like millions of people who struggle everyday to get by just don't exist. Even if you look at list of the countries the piracy is rampant you could understand what I mean.
We are living in an unfair world, next time think before throwing around judgements and calling names.
When did I resort to name-calling? Way to put words in my mouth. :? I lost you when you said, "because you are copying the game, not removing it and if it wasn't for pirated games, you couldn't buy the game in the first place because you can't afford it." I wanted to laugh, but at the same time, it was so sad to even think someone could believe this. You sir, are the pirate, and the problem. Even if piracy is some conspiracy theory, you are definitely not helping and you're giving people an excuse to not buy a game legitimately. If it weren't for people like me that buy games legitimately, YOU SIR, wouldn't have any games to pirate because developers would go bankrupt. Throwing around judgements? I think I'm right when I say, you are NOT the lesser of two evils. You are a PIRATE trying to come up with excuses to justify your guilt. It's people like you that make me sick to my stomach. There are too many of people like you that shouldn't exist. Mod me. I'll gladly take the hit.
You're one of those people who are too lazy to work. Mooching off the government because you whine and complain too much. Work, like everyone else and buy things legitemately. What you're doing is equivalent to stealing. It's the same reasons like this that drives countries into the ground. It's give and take, but you're taking more than you are giving. That's for sure. Please pay your taxes.
Being poor doesn't give you an excuse to steal.. Work honestly for your money and buy what you need and want. There's no excuse.
You called pirates evil, thats name-calling in my book. Also you blame me for false name calling but than you do what, suppose that I'm some lazy pirate, who refuses to work and I whine and complain too much? You thought all this crap just because I can empathize with some part of (not all) people who pirate? Is everything black and white in your world? I actually do work, I'm a lecturer in a university, also I don't live and die by the wonders of the gaming world so I can hold off buying a game I want to play to buy it later. But that doesn't mean I can't understand people, I was a student even a few years ago and my parents were not rich. I wasn't gaming this much back then tho.
I'm not here to teach you about the system that we are part of. Especially after you falsely insulted me. You seem just butthurt and angry because some people get something you paid for, for free. You missed the point, I'm not defending the greedy or lazy bunch. Just know that there are people, even if they work their ass off and carry the best of intentions, that will get the s**** part of the deal. If you believe that every government is trying to make the world a better place and if you work honestly, you will have a great life, you "sir" are living in a dream.
All I'm saying is refrain from throwing the word "evil" so easily because I've seen a lot of good people who had to pirate to play a game and a lot of evil people who "legitimately" s*** all over these good people.
Also why would I mod you? I don't care that much about petty baseless insults. You can utter some more if it makes you feel better.
I have a question, How do the anti-piracy people feel about borrowing games from a friend? Or a music CD or DVD?
Borrowing is an act of taking something for a certain period of time with the owner's permission. You will return it eventually, and will no longer have the benefits of the actual product.
I have a question, How do the anti-piracy people feel about borrowing games from a friend? Or a music CD or DVD?
Borrowing is an act of taking something for a certain period of time with the owner's permission. You will return it eventually, and will no longer have the benefits of the actual product.
What if that game allows unlimited installs, and can play without a disk/from multiple disks?
Anyways, I think you people are too hung up on digital "piracy". Try visiting China sometimes, or even Vancoover. You can find really, really cheap counterfeit disks of pretty much any game. Case in point: one shop in China sold games/software at 10RMB per disk, irrelevant of whatever was on the disk. Windows XP for 3$ anyone? :D
I have a question, How do the anti-piracy people feel about borrowing games from a friend? Or a music CD or DVD?
Borrowing is an act of taking something for a certain period of time with the owner's permission. You will return it eventually, and will no longer have the benefits of the actual product.
Funny thing, though. You aren't supposed to lend out PC games. The way it works is that you get a license to play your game, and according to the EULA, that licence isn't transferable. It's considered illegal, and a lot of people have no idea.[QUOTE="chaoz-king"]
I have a question, How do the anti-piracy people feel about borrowing games from a friend? Or a music CD or DVD?
Borrowing is an act of taking something for a certain period of time with the owner's permission. You will return it eventually, and will no longer have the benefits of the actual product.
What differences does it make for the developer? If someone either borrows or pirates a game, he probably won't be buying it.
I have a question, How do the anti-piracy people feel about borrowing games from a friend? Or a music CD or DVD?
Borrowing is an act of taking something for a certain period of time with the owner's permission. You will return it eventually, and will no longer have the benefits of the actual product.
Does somebody actually do that? because I know that you're not referring to the "owner" that is your random friend, relative, etc, instead of EA, Blizzard, Valve, etc.Here's something objective like apparently the things you think you wrote.
Almost all discs (be it games, software in general, movies, music, etc) have "rights reserved, not allowed to sell, re-sell, lend or duplicate"
[QUOTE="SilverSignal"][QUOTE="Kinthalis"]Cause most people are innately evil jerks. If they can get away with it, there're a lot of horrible things they would do, never mind pirating, that's an easy one. It boggles my mind, really. They obviously like the PC as a gaming platform, why not support it? I think it's just that in addition to being self entitled jerks, they are also stupid.Elann2008Evil? Murder is evil. Taking away someone's money is just as evil. If you robbed me clean, I would be homeless, and I'll eventually die on the streets in starvation and delusion. Just because something isn't done in cold blood, such as murder, doesn't mean it's not evil.
I don't think you understand the definition of evil. Pirating games does not carry with it the intention to do harm the developers. People do it to benefit themselves, if anyone is harmed it is a side-effect. It's impossible for it to be in any way evil, because if you are downloading something for the sole reason of harming profits, that means you would never have bought it in the first place, and there is no loss in revenue from the act.
[QUOTE="cain006"]With all due respect, but there aren't that much games worth of your penny. The rightful money isn't so rightful any more. If the market consistently delivered products that would be worth of the money you invest in purchase then we wouldn't have that much problems. I don't really care if you don't think a game is worth the money. If you play a game without paying for it, you did people wrong. If you think the game isn't worth paying for, you shouldn't play it.Because they're free and they don't mind breaking the law and not giving people their right rightful money.
It's cause they are KIDS.
No grown adult with a handbuilt custom $800 PC, will be too cheap to buy a game.
You would be surprised.
very very very very surprised actually...A LOT A LOT A LOT of people pirateSpeending $800-$1000 on a pc to pirate $10 games is stupid.
very very very very surprised actually...A LOT A LOT A LOT of people pirate[QUOTE="JDOGGGGGG"]
You would be surprised.
Speending $800-$1000 on a pc to pirate $10 games is stupid.
Games can cost $60, and if your total budget is $800 it looks more enticing to spend $800 on a pc and then get your games for free than spend $400-500 on a pc and buy the same games with the rest of your budget.
But there is sense in your post. The reason Steam deals are so widely liked is that even pirates buy some of them. Paying $5 for a good old game might be easier than bothering to crack a pirated game and get it working with the most current updates.
I don't pirate as my girlfriend is in the movie making business and pirates are what is destroying the profitability for movie makers.
But I know some people who genuilely will download a game to test it. If they like it then they go buy it, instead of buying it for 60 dollars to then find out it was a waste of money. Also if they don't like it then they delete it entirely.
But hopefully pirating stops so companies can make more profits. Naturally there are some companies who don't deserve the profits but there are also others who would actually re-invest the profits into making an awesome game
[QUOTE="JDOGGGGGG"] very very very very surprised actually...A LOT A LOT A LOT of people pirate
Speending $800-$1000 on a pc to pirate $10 games is stupid.
Games can cost $60, and if your total budget is $800 it looks more enticing to spend $800 on a pc and then get your games for free than spend $400-500 on a pc and buy the same games with the rest of your budget.
But there is sense in your post. The reason Steam deals are so widely liked is that even pirates buy some of them. Paying $5 for a good old game might be easier than bothering to crack a pirated game and get it working with the most current updates.
Well saying $10 might of been a little low. But, thats what I pay for most of my games about. A year after release games prices drop dramaticly.
That's no excuse. If you can't afford gaming, don't do it. I can't afford a Ferrari, doesn't mean I got out and steal one. If you can't afford an $80 game, then how did you buy the gaming machine in the first place?[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="Pokemaster1337"]
Because games are too expensive. Let's say you have $80 left every month. Will you buy one game or save the money for emergencies(likewashing machine or freezer breaking, etc.)
You need PC for other things than gaming...
A normal PC is very cheap.... a gaming PC is more expensive.
But in summary, I love how these topics show up and people find more and more excuses to pirate games. It's like they come here to feel better since they KNOW it is wrong but are obviously doing it anyway....
I don't pirate as my girlfriend is in the movie making business and pirates are what is destroying the profitability for movie makers.
But I know some people who genuilely will download a game to test it. If they like it then they go buy it, instead of buying it for 60 dollars to then find out it was a waste of money. Also if they don't like it then they delete it entirely.
But hopefully pirating stops so companies can make more profits. Naturally there are some companies who don't deserve the profits but there are also others who would actually re-invest the profits into making an awesome game
Piracy is barely damaging the movie industry. Same for the music industry. If a film is good enough it will make a huge profit. Same as it's always been. Just think about how long piracy has been going on and how the movie and music industries haven't changed. If anything, they get biggger every year. Piracy barely does the big studios any harm.I don't really care if you don't think a game is worth the money. If you play a game without paying for it, you did people wrong. If you think the game isn't worth paying for, you shouldn't play it.
I'm not gunna pay $50 to play Dirt 3 once in a blue moon (if even that frequent).
I don't pirate as my girlfriend is in the movie making business and pirates are what is destroying the profitability for movie makers.
Despite your strange way of spelling economy, your post speaks true.What causes piracy
1. DRM, yes sometimes playing a pirated version is better than playing the full version.
2. Games being overpriced. If you look at the games that were the most pirated last year. Most of them either were mp based games or games with a short sp game. Such as mafia 2, mafia 2 was a great game. But no way it was worth 60 dollars for a 12 hr one and done game.
3. The ecomny, lets face it. The ecomney still sucks. People might have had money to build a pc before no longer have the money to spend on games.
4. Lack of demo's on pc. Since you never know how the game may run, i know some people pirate it to see if it can run on their pc.
5. Crappy ports.
6. For pc lack of really any ability to trade in and buy used games
Overall, yes its not legal, but its not killing the industury. It annoys me to see all the people thinking that piracy is going to kill the idusutry. The gaming indusutry hurt becuase of the ecomney. Not piracy, they are still making billions.
All platforms have piracy/used game sales issues.
Same reason I don't buy movies and prefer Netflix, you watch it once, and it's boring.
Game companies should get off their butts and offer more continuous value in their games. Really great games fewer people pirate, because they are so damn worth the cost of purchase. Mainly those with really good multiplayer experiences.
If you're going to make a "cinematic single player experience" type of game, reduce the cost to $20 or less so our butts don't hurt so much after finishing the game in 8 hours and never touching it again.
Besides, games should be treated like art. Doesn't matter how many people buy it, what counts is how many people liked it.
[QUOTE="carlandcarl"]Piracy is barely damaging the movie industry. Same for the music industry. If a film is good enough it will make a huge profit. Same as it's always been. Just think about how long piracy has been going on and how the movie and music industries haven't changed. If anything, they get biggger every year. Piracy barely does the big studios any harm.I don't pirate as my girlfriend is in the movie making business and pirates are what is destroying the profitability for movie makers.
But I know some people who genuilely will download a game to test it. If they like it then they go buy it, instead of buying it for 60 dollars to then find out it was a waste of money. Also if they don't like it then they delete it entirely.
But hopefully pirating stops so companies can make more profits. Naturally there are some companies who don't deserve the profits but there are also others who would actually re-invest the profits into making an awesome game
Yes, the movie industry doesn't seem to have damaged as much as the music and gaming industries. Some musicians have been damaged, but they have adapted and now are available on iTunes or as a direct download etc.
Movies are still going strong, but you have to agree there IS a decline in numbers at movie-theatres. (has to do also that the prices have gone up and are just plain ridicolous)
What HURTS me is the retail shops.... (EB Games, GAME, BlockBuster, Video Ezy)
Same reason I don't buy movies and prefer Netflix, you watch it once, and it's boring.
Game companies should get off their butts and offer more continuous value in their games. Really great games fewer people pirate, because they are so damn worth the cost of purchase. Mainly those with really good multiplayer experiences.
If you're going to make a "cinematic single player experience" type of game, reduce the cost to $20 or less so our butts don't hurt so much after finishing the game in 8 hours and never touching it again.
Besides, games should be treated like art. Doesn't matter how many people buy it, what counts is how many people liked it.
That is the most ridicolous thing I have heard this week.
Just because SP games don't offer as much as MP (in hours, which is obvious), doesn't mean they are worth less. The cost of producing a SP game sometimes is even more than the MP.
I'm not gunna pay $50 to play Dirt 3 once in a blue moon (if even that frequent).
Then wait for it to get cheaper or don't buy it. Pretty simple, huh?
I wanted to try it out and see if I could get my PS3 controller working.
I played it for about 20 minutes and haven't touched it since. That's the equivalent to a demo if you ask me.
I'm not gunna pay $50 to play Dirt 3 once in a blue moon (if even that frequent).
Then wait for it to get cheaper or don't buy it. Pretty simple, huh?
Too simple, you are missing the third option that most people choose :P
I don't pirate as my girlfriend is in the movie making business and pirates are what is destroying the profitability for movie makers.
But I know some people who genuilely will download a game to test it. If they like it then they go buy it, instead of buying it for 60 dollars to then find out it was a waste of money. Also if they don't like it then they delete it entirely.
But hopefully pirating stops so companies can make more profits. Naturally there are some companies who don't deserve the profits but there are also others who would actually re-invest the profits into making an awesome game
Piracy is barely damaging the movie industry. Same for the music industry. If a film is good enough it will make a huge profit. Same as it's always been. Just think about how long piracy has been going on and how the movie and music industries haven't changed. If anything, they get biggger every year. Piracy barely does the big studios any harm.Yes, the movie industry doesn't seem to have damaged as much as the music and gaming industries. Some musicians have been damaged, but they have adapted and now are available on iTunes or as a direct download etc.
Movies are still going strong, but you have to agree there IS a decline in numbers at movie-theatres. (has to do also that the prices have gone up and are just plain ridicolous)
What HURTS me is the retail shops.... (EB Games, GAME, BlockBuster, Video Ezy)
When you are an american and make 20 or more bucks an hour it is no problem to buy games, but when you make 3 bucks an hour then it is a problem.
[QUOTE="morrowindnic"]thats not true. Exactly I have a friend who is 35, he has never bought a game in his lifeIt's cause they are KIDS.
No grown adult with a handbuilt custom $800 PC, will be too cheap to buy a game.
I pirate mcdonalds and buy all my games, how can I justify a big mac, when I can get a full retail game on steam for the same price.
I will admit to something. As an ex-pirate, I pirated Mac games (because I had a Mac) not because I was poor, but because I COULD NOT find any of the games in retail... Blizzards games and a copy of SWBF I had to import from the UK were the exceptions (and what I nightmare that was).
That was before Steam was available for the Mac... Now that I have Steam on my PC, I actually have no need to pirate games because they are available and accessible... I have actually bought some of the games through Steam that I had previously pirated... If anything I would not have ended up buying them if I had not pirated them in the first place...
Yah. I get it. Im a bad boy... Sue me...
Something i just need to know why does many PC owners just pirate their games instead of purchasing on game store or steam?
P.S i am not talking about pirating our games or going to other forums sites.
- Why don't you just rob a bank instead of working?
- Why don't you just rob food instead of shopping for groceries?
do you need more examples?
Cause I can
THIS is 90% of all pirates.
Self entitled, obnoxios thieves. They really feel that they "deserve" to get free games, 'cause they can.
Its not that they think that they are self entitled, its just that the oppurtunity is available to get a game for free, without much fear to be punished.
Cause I can
THIS is 90% of all pirates.
Self entitled, obnoxios thieves. They really feel that they "deserve" to get free games, 'cause they can.
Its not that they think that they are self entitled, its just that the oppurtunity is available to get a game for free, without much fear to be punished.
Specially in under developed countries and developing countries, like my country India for example, people get away with even murder sometimes because of corruption and there are no practical laws on piracy so no one is even afraid to sell pirated games forget about the people who buy it. People and I mean some of the super rich people even buy games only when they want multiplayer or cant get the game in the grey market. Normally online downloading is not so much because of slow speeds. Thats why games like witcher 2 and oblivion are not released in India because they dont have multiplayer etc. Atleast thats my logic. On the other hand games such as the orange box and portal 2 sales are very overwhelming which is good for valve and the gaming industry because they are priced very well in India. I also play portal 2 online and most of the times I only find koreans ,Indians and some Russians online. I have never played with an american ,maybe thats because of the time zone factor but still.Please Log In to post.
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