Why are console gamers so brainwashed into buying a PS3, Wii, 360 when they could be having a better experience on the PC? If consoles are computers as well then why don't people convert to PC gaming? When there are such great games on the PC such as Wow, Crysis/warhead, Far Cry 2, Gears of War, FEAR, FEAR 2, Stalker, Bioshock, Quake 4, Doom 3, Call of Duty 4 & 5, Fallout 3, Deadspace and the list goes on...Why still won't people convert to PC gaming?
It has nothing to do with being brainwashed (or for that matter stupid, kids or lazy). Some people prefer to play on consoles. It's a diffrent enviroment, diffrent machine, diffrent functionality. To insinuate that 'they' are somehow brainwashed for not liking the same platform you do is kinda stupid.
With that said, a couple of things in the post stood out to me as incorrect:
- The PC does not have no or fewer new high end titles when compared to the consoles. Almost all AAA titles are released on the three high end platforms (PC,X360 and PS3). While each platform has it's own set of exclusives, saying that the PC is missing out is incorrect unless your looking at a very limited set of genres (mainly Jrpgs). No, it's true we didnt get Halo 3, Gears of War 2 or Metal Gear Solid. but along the same lines the Xbox or PS didnt get Crysis, the Sims 3, STALKER / STALKER Clear Sky. The list of each of the three platforms could go on, but the PC has more exlusives being released than any other platform.
- DRM, it's true that a couple of games have had some really restrictive DRM, but it has largely become a thing of the past (a few instances still exists). Yeah it's a annoying but consider that 99% of PC games have the same or often less DRM than you do on an XBOX360 or a PS3.. you need the disk undamaged and in the drive to play. Yes.. The consoles have DRM as well.
How dare you forget to mention Battlefield 2 !
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